Zandalar zone order story War Campaign: The Honorbound or 7th Legion. It's a long, well told story that you seem to have either skipped, or didn't pay attention to. Jun 28, 2023 · Players level to 120 in the zones of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Kul Tiras and Zandalar [] After acquiring the Heart of Azeroth, the adventurer set to the newly-accessible continents of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. It's pretty much the only real endgame zone we have right now. Where to start Zandalar campaign? The Zandalar Campaign table is located on the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. Maaaaybe aesthetics go to the alliance but … What are your thoughts? To get the entire story you would need to play classic for the og story up to 60. He will offer quests that allow you to establish footholds on Zandalar’s various zones, including Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Vol Nov 5, 2018 · It felt weak right from the start,the horde intro quest was incredibly bad,and it didn't get much better from there,but what really left me just confused was the culmination,the Zandalar forever scenario/cinematic What the hell was that? Mythraxx randomly out of nowhere comes to Zandalar,apparently noone saw him coming from a mile away,and Zandalar Zone Order Hi all, I've been looking at various leveling videos, guides, and discussions looking for the recommended zone order for Horde leveling in Zandalar, but everyone seems to be suggesting different orders. You get hints of this subplot of the faction war before you get shuttled off to whatever the new xpac is, and with these zones remaining the new player leveling zones into DF, it You can do any quests that grant XP in order to get to lvl 50 (or 48,which is the earliest point you can start Shadowlands content). What expansion do players level to 120 in the zones of Kul … What expansion is Zandalar from? Read More » Utilisez la Carte de la Campagne zandalari pour choisir une tête de pont. accept the zandalar campaign. What is the main city in Zandalar? The main city in Zandalar is Zuldazar. Garrison Follower missions with Zandalari Empire reward. A helpful tip is to look at the loading screen when zoning in, it will have the logo for the relevant expansion you’re about to enter (so if you take a portal or boat to northrend it will have the WotLK logo on the loading screen, and so forth). One of the more important aspects of completing them is to unlock your three other mission Yep, basically this, you just have to memorize which zones are which. Added in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. To some degree they feel disconnected from BFA, but they aren’t totally. Since Uldir is a good raidyes, Zandalar is better than Kul Tiras, which is basically 3 leveling zones that could have been in any expansion. What expansion is Zuldazar? World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Where as Kul'Tiras is a zone built around a story that has been in the works for a very long time. He said earthquakes and tidal waves will tear the entire Zandalar apart and the whole city of Zuldazar will sink into the ocean during the Cataclysm, but in reality while some zones (Nazmir in particular) got damaged during the Cataclysm, rest of the Zandalar didn't get hit too hard. Super creepy and the story captured my attention right away. Zandalari Empire after you complete 4 world quests. Zandalar is an interesting case of yeah you CAN do the zones in any order but unlike Broken Isle or Kul'Tiras it REALLY REALLY works better if you do Zulzudar>Nazmir>Vol'dun and the stories pretty much written expecting that you chose that. Zandalar has three zones with major storylines — Vol’Dun, Nazmir, and Zuldazar. i suggest tiragarde sound. Currently at iLvl 380. This conveniently ensures you can't do the first half of the finale storyline Zandalar Forever too early (which only My first horde through BfA did what I thought was a standard Zuldazar, Nazmir, Voldun, because I thought that seemed like the "natural" story arc and the way the horde zones are arranged. TBC has a more linear path through the zones which has been blurred due to level scaling (think level sync in ffxiv but the stuff scales up to you, rather than you down to it). It is used to start the story for each zone in Zandalar for the War Campaign. Always up to date with the latest patch. After you have all three footholds, then the war campaign is more linear. Zandalar (or Zandalar Isle)[1] is an island[2] located in the South Seas that serves as the homeland of the Zandalari race of trolls, having once acted as the cradle and birthplace of all troll civilization on Azeroth. Always up to date with the latest patch (11. I first played alliance, and Waycrest Manor, Siege of Boralus, Shrine of the Storm and Freehoold were all attached to the story and I totally got it. Criteria: Zone 1: Zandalari Empire or Proudmoore Admiralty. Ajouté dans World of Warcraft : Battle for Azeroth. That said, I think Nazmir being done first doesn't make a whole lot of sense seeing as how that's where you're going to be headed during most of the endgame of patch 8. The Burning Crusade (2007) The Wrath of the Lich King (2008) Cataclysm - World Quests (Kul Tiras and Zandalar), accepting the quest Uniting Kul Tiras for Alliance or Uniting Zandalar for Horde, and then complete it. 0). Related reputations and their (Horde) Emissaries: Volduni - Amasseuse Jena (Les Volduni) - friendly required for L’union de Zandalar (unlocking World Quests) Related instances: Temple de The following is prefaced with the context, that Zandalar's *overall* story feel rather jank and it's flow of the ups and highs jarring, unless gone through in a certain order, and even then it's not perfect. Start a new character and level up though the new cata changed zones and then level through the end game cata zones. Word has it that they also slowly Sep 6, 2018 · See our zone preview here. Despite the harsh conditions, the nomadic race known as the Vulpera are able to thrive in Vol'dun, even though they face a constant threat from the Sethrak, a brutal snakelike race Nov 6, 2017 · These zones look amazing and the fact that each faction has a separate continent to work with leads to some great replayability for an altoholic like myself Comment by Tokoha on 2017-11-06T01:22:44-06:00. Previously a lush jungle, Vol'dun is nowadays a treacherous desert, a place dreaded by the Zandalari as war criminals are sent here for exile. Kommentar von 11unone11 Shandora is the ancient city of gold from One Piece anime. Despite being an “empire,” the Zandalari only control one zone. All you need to do is complete the main story campaign for all four Dragon Isles zones on one character. May 18, 2024 · To start the Zandalar campaign, you need to go to the Zandalar Campaign table located on the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. Toujours actuelle pour la dernière mise à jour (11. Each zone has multiple “chapters” in its story that you need to complete to earn an achievement. It is favored towards alliance approximately 60 to 40. How do you unlock Zandalar forever?-Zandalar Forever!: You must complete all major lore storylines in the Zuldazar zones, through The Final Seal. How do I start uniting Zandalar? To start uniting Zandalar, complete the quest “A Dying World” to receive the Heart of Azeroth. Each alliance zone was its own completely separate story from the other ones save the loosely strung together Kul Tiran houses bit. Dec 23, 2023 · Essentially, to do this you must complete the main story quests within each of the three zones in Kul Tiras. I did Nazmir first because that is where Talanji was headed. What is the order of WoW expansions? WoW expansions in order. Despite the harsh conditions, the nomadic race known as the Vulpera are able to thrive in Vol'dun, even though they face a constant threat from the Sethrak, a brutal snakelike race What’s your favorite Kul Tiras or Zandalar zone in terms of story, soundtrack, world design, etc…? If you could live in any Kul Tiras or Zandalar zone, which would it be? (May be different from your first answer. The campaign's perspective split based on faction, with the Alliance focused on Kul Tiras and the Horde focused on Zandalar, each involving the traditional zone storylines. World Quests become available at level 120 and can be rewarding if you’re looking for some new gear, a little extra gold in your pocket, War Resources, or some The Zandalar Campaign table is located on the Wind's Redemption in Boralus. Seems like Blizz brought back Zandalar because they wanted to do a really cool Troll zone so they built a story around it. He will offer quests that allow you to establish footholds on Zandalar’s various zones, including Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Vol Honestly, the zones are set up pretty well for you to do them in whatever order you see fit. What expansion features Allied Races, the Heart of Azeroth, Island Expeditions, and Warfronts? These features are introduced in the expansion Battle for Azeroth. You can do them in any order, but I prefer Zuldazar > Vol'dun > Nazmir. I still put on the Zandalar music on Spotify once in a while just to listen to those amazing quick fire trumpets and flutes and imagining the wind in the sails. Now that a good amount of time has passed, which do you prefer story, zone, and quest wise? Going to make an alt soon and have played part of both stories. Zandalar Zone Order I’m getting ready to finally get started on the new expansion in a few days and I was wondering which order the zones are in story wise I know that in Legion Stormheim took place after Azsuna storywiswe, so is there a particular order that is recommended from a lore perspective? The three Zandalar zones can also be done in any order. click map. World quests after Uniting Zandalar. No plot that is taken forward. e. You fail your ultimate mission to stop the Great Seal from being cracked. If you are currently questing through another story in Chromie Time, visit Chromie in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and select the "Return to present timeline" option first. Credits – WoWpedia 1. Zone 2: Talanji’s Expedition or Order of Embers. Release date: 14 August 2018; Level cap: 120; New zones: Kul Tiras, Zandalar So I'm at 120 on Horde and have completed all quests in Zandalar and the first part of the war campaign (i. If it’s just “do everything Sep 24, 2023 · Where to start Zandalar campaign? The Zandalar Campaign table is located on the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. Nov 28, 2021 · Earn Revered with all of the reputations listed below. The alliance kinda had an end-game story with Ony and Nefarion but again. Nov 13, 2024 · KEYPOINT: The option to sail to Zandalar zones for Alliance characters in Boralus is unlocked by establishing footholds in the different zones through the Alliance War Campaign questline. Everything is building up the Order of Embers, to take them out and get control of the region. I'm trying to experience all BFA content chronologically as I like seeing the story that way instead of reading or hearing about it. One of the more important aspects of completing them is to unlock your three other mission followers. If you’re set on following the exact order of events, they are (as far as I understand them): Leveling through all 3 zones 8. How do I get access to Zandalar? For the Alliance the only way to get to Zandalar would be … What expansion is Zandalar? Read More » Posted by u/Vealzy - No votes and 8 comments Some background: Zandalar Tribe is a RP-PVP realm (I know I messed up the title!). I felt like Kul Tiras was considerably faster, as I hit 120 before even finishing the second zone, whereas I had to finish every zone and just about every non-essential sidequest to max out both my Horde characters in Zandalar. I mean, you just got in the city, Jaina is still a prisonner, Ashvane is being an asshole and you just got a lead with the weird gunpowder. No story worth remembering. How do I start Zandalar Forever Questline? So, to unlock the Zandalari, you basically have to do all of the main BfA quests pre-Nazjatar. A storyline containing multiple quests in a single chapter. the zones already look so welldone and beautiful! i cant wait to see if they add any other touches to them before it launches. The Alliance experience on Zandalar is not really a questing experience, you go there set up some bases and leave after a short introduction to the zone. Originally a chain of mountains on the continent of Ancient Kalimdor, it became an island following the Great Sundering caused by the War of the Ancients. Commentaire de 11unone11 Shandora is the ancient city of gold from One Piece anime. I've heard Kul Tiras can be done in any order and it makes sense. Completing these campaigns is important as it will unlock your three other mission followers. Comment by Shashos on 2024-12-03T11:01:55-06:00 This might be a bit controversial and I haven't quested yet in Zandalar as a Horde character but having played through the Alliance zones on four characters now I really have to admit that it was a lukewarm experience. Tortollan Seekers. . But it’s also aggravating and time consuming trying to look through Wowhead to figure out which quests are part of it. Where is the quest Uniting Zandalar? If you find yourself stuck on the Uniting Zandalar or Uniting Kul Tiras stages of the War Campaign, ensure your character has a Heart of Azeroth. Sep 13, 2018 · Zandalar introduces the Uldir raid, with multiple cinematics and a "personal" introduction to at least 3 of the Bosses inside. This is something that I didn’t really think about until just today, but Kul’tiras and Zandalar are not good introductions to this game. 评论来自 11unone11 Shandora is the ancient city of gold from One Piece anime. This is one of your Horde character's three leveling zone choices. May 16, 2024 · The Zandalar Campaign table is located on the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. During Zandalar’s story, the traitor Zul kills the patron Loa of the royal family, Rezan, and blood trolls are invading Zuldazar en mass. Sep 9, 2024 · If you’re playing as an Alliance character in World of Warcraft, accessing Zandalar can be a bit tricky. Following that would be bc into wrath. Nov 5, 2018 · It felt weak right from the start,the horde intro quest was incredibly bad,and it didn't get much better from there,but what really left me just confused was the culmination,the Zandalar forever scenario/cinematic What the hell was that? Mythraxx randomly out of nowhere comes to Zandalar,apparently noone saw him coming from a mile away,and May 1, 2021 · Earning the Zandalar Forever Achievement. The story Blizzard is trying to tell on Zandalar simply doesn't quite fit with the "Choose Your Priority" questing they're doing. What connects it to the name is not only the Zandalar, resembling the "right eye of the skull", if looking from Nazmir perspective, but also the Shadra (The God of Spooders, The Venom Queen, Loa of Spooders(She actually survived to SL, gaining this BFA-alike name)), that's used in the lore of the zone, and some Vol'dun is a zone located in the northwestern portion of Zandalar. I don't know why but everything on Kul'Tiras feels so marginal or meaningless for the greater picture. Battle for Azeroth (Kul Tiras and Zandalar zones) Shadowlands (Shadowlands zones, the realm of the dead that has been haphazardly swept under the rug because of how poorly it was received so it's sort of a side story except for, again, one major character's arc that will be coming back around in The War Within) Jun 28, 2024 · Where to start Zandalar campaign? The Zandalar Campaign can be started at the Zandalar Campaign table, which is located on the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. Think of the Zandalar quests as a short break. Completing parts 1 and 2 of the Horde War Campaign. How do you … How do you unlock BFA World Quests in Dragonflight? Read More » This is one of your Horde character's three leveling zone choices. Durotar was 1-10) and do them in that sort of “order. But Zandalar should be done Nazmir -> Vol'dun -> Zuldazar, because Nazmir is treated as the most urgent business, while the end of Zuldazar questing leaves you hanging mid-crisis until max level, so it's weird to go somewhere else after that. What connects it to the name is not only the Zandalar, resembling the "right eye of the skull", if looking from Nazmir perspective, but also the Shadra (The God of Spooders, The Venom Queen, Loa of Spooders(She actually survived to SL, gaining this BFA-alike name)), that's used in the lore of the zone, and some Feb 19, 2024 · Where to start Zandalar campaign? The Zandalar Campaign table is located on the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. 0 war campaign (establishing footholds in all 3 Zandalar zones) Uniting Kul Tiras (rescuing Jaina) 8. ) I know for me, my favorite zone to level in was Drustvar. Jan 7, 2025 · The option to sail to Zandalar zones for Alliance characters in Boralus is unlocked through establishing footholds in the different zones via the Alliance War Campaign questline. Once you do that, go to Orgrimmar Portal Room and use the portal to transport yourself to Zandalar. All world quests in Zuldazar. Essentially the dungeons on Zandalar mostly follow the horde storyline, and the dungeons on Kul Tiras mostly follow the alliance storyline. Feb 8, 2025 · As part of the Alliance War Campaign, you will be tasked with establishing a foothold in one of Zandalar’s zones. Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth introduced variant races. Dec 3, 2024 · Why on Earth should the devs waste time updating zones (in one of the worst recieved expansions ever) that you'll visit for three seconds and then return to current content again? wdym legion was considered one of the best expansions, BfA zone, raid, dungeon wise wasn't even bad it was just the story. Champions of Azeroth. You can watch a short visual overview video of this zone from Blizzard on YouTube. Horde story line introduces fleshes out Bwonsamdi and the other Loa to be more than troll power ups as well as introducing and building up the Sethek, Vulpera, and Tortollans. May 1, 2021 · Earning the Zandalar Forever Achievement. If your character is level 61 or above, go to any Kul Tiras or Zandalar zone to have the Battle for Azeroth banner and instructions for where to go next appear in your quest log. If the story was meant to be told in a specific order then the zones would unlock in a specific order. 7. Either way, Jaina now rules Kul Tiras. How do I get to Zandalar horde quest? Horde Players Apr 22, 2023 · The Zandalar Campaign table is located on the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. The general theme of the zones was (to an arguable degree, depending on each zone) retained, but quest chains were adapted/modernized/entirely reworked. choose any zone as once you are there, you should be able to fly to the others without issue. Schiftung von Torcali (Zandalar Quest Mail (Torcalin Recolor)) - chainmail questing gear - Zandalar; Todesschwurschulterschützer (Zandalar Quest Mail (Death-Pledged Recolor)) - chainmail questing gear - Zandalar; Schulterstücke der Rastari (Zandalar Quest Plate (Rastari Recolor)) - platemail questing gear - Zandalar Zandalar has the better looking zone. That means clearing the main storyline in each of the 3 leveling zones which will unlock the “Zandalar Forever” quest chain. Since phase 1-2 an alliance guild called <Praxis> has had pretty much every world boss. The reason, ofc, why they give people a choice is to help to balance the server load by having players spread out, so they wrote the story in a way to facilitate this. Drustvar is a spooky forest, home to witches, and the early home of the Drust, a race wielding dark magic. Zandalar/Horde seems to be more cohesive in general, IMO. How do you unlock Zandalar forever? To unlock Zandalar Forever!, you need to complete all major lore storylines in the Zuldazar zones, through The Final Seal. So I'm at 120 on Horde and have completed all quests in Zandalar and the first part of the war campaign (i. That being said, I probably wouldn’t want to live there With the way that it is now, forcing players to level in the last content's zones and story, potentially having no prior experience with or knowledge of the world, the lore, the characters, is probably a bit jarring. What connects it to the name is not only the Zandalar, resembling the "right eye of the skull", if looking from Nazmir perspective, but also the Shadra (The God of Spooders, The Venom Queen, Loa of Spooders(She actually survived to SL, gaining this BFA-alike name)), that's used in the lore of the zone, and some Feb 11, 2024 · It is recommended to follow the main story quests and progress through the expansion content to unlock the Zandalar quest line. Step 1: Meet the Level Requirements To gain entry to Zandalar, your character needs to be at least level 35. This can be done in any order you’d like, and you can choose which zone to get started in after completing the introduction to BFA by using the scouting map in the harbormaster’s office. Donne en récompense. Doing the 17 recruitment quests, starting at the Orgrimmar Embassy (level 50+ character). Why can’t i go to Zandalar? The option to sail to Zandalar zones for Alliance characters in Boralus is unlocked through establishing footholds in the different zones through the Alliance War Campaign questline. Jun 29, 2024 · The Kul Tiras Campaign table is located on The Banshee’s Wail in Dazar’alor. Nov 28, 2021 · How to get reputation: Zuldazar zone questline and you can find a questlist here The Throne of Zuldazar. Or something. Une liste complète dans laquelle rechercher ou filtrer tous les Zones Zandalar de World of Warcraft : The War Within. From slaying bosses to taking part in profession quests, there are a variety of activities in Kul Tiras and Zandalar to participate in. The Zandalar campaign is meant to be done as you level in Kul’tiras or at level cap. Each of the Cataclysm zones happen at “roughly” the same time so there is no real rhyme or reason to do them in a particular order. 1. It is used to start the story for each zone in Kul Tiras for the Horde War Campaign. Zandalar zones: Nazmir > Zuldazar > Vol'dun (> Zandalar Forever) Kul Tiras footholds: (Doesn't really matter, but) Stormsong > Drustvar > Tiragarde. Related reputations and their (Horde) Emissaries: Voldunai - Acumuladora Jena (Os Voldunai) - friendly required for A unificação de Zandalar (unlocking World Quests) Related instances: Jan 23, 2019 · Blizzard really went too hard with the “dying empire” shtick of Zandalar. turn in both quests to taelia. Players level to 120 in the zones of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. There’s an unnecessary amount of gloom and doom surrounding the civil war. Nov 28, 2021 · How to Unlock Zandalari Trolls in Shadowlands Finishing the main storyline in all 3 Zandalar zones and 2 other story quests. (I. Sailing into Zandalar with my freshly rolled orc shaman was an amazing experience because the music and the scenery just blended together perfectly. That was more specific quests than a story. This is a crucial step. This table is used to start the story for each zone in Zandalar for the War Campaign. Once you’re ready, locate Halford Wyrmbane, who is stationed on the main ship in Boralus. You can do any quests in the Zandalar zones (side quests or main quests if you have any left), also you can do the War Campaign quests to do some leveling in Kul Tiras. What’s the easiest way to work my way through this achievement without doing a bunch of unnecessary quests? Is it basically just do every single quest in Zandalar? I really don’t want to do quests that are not needed for this achievement. From a story standpoint, it made more sense to me to start with Tiragarde. I agree with this. One quest saying something to the effect of “I can’t believe just how many people turned Jun 25, 2024 · How do you unlock BFA World Quests in Dragonflight? Unlocking BFA World Quests in Dragonflight is a pretty straightforward process. After acquiring the Heart of Azeroth, the adventurer set to the newly-accessible continents of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Feb 27, 2025 · The new Order Hall features united players of the same class to lead the fight against the Legion. After that you just follow the release order. pick a zone. Une Quête de niveau 35. If you wanted a more classic experience, look up the old levels for each zone (i. How do I get to Zandalar horde quest? Horde Players May 15, 2024 · WoW’s seventh expansion features Allied Races, the Heart of Azeroth, Island Expeditions, and Warfronts. So if you stick with one zone, you may find the story naturally nudging you towards another zone at the end. Burning Crusade had a story that was convoluted and hard to follow. Though I'm fairly sure there isn't a specific order to it, I personally like to think it's something like this. Made more sense to investigate that straight away and not explore other zones that do not seem as relevant. 1 war campaign Assault on Zuldazar Nazjatar N’zoth Invasion Jul 2, 2024 · Players level to 120 in the zones of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. The Oct 29, 2024 · Upon arrival in Kul Tiras, the main questline will lead you to Boralus, a bustling port city that serves as the Alliance base. Jun 26, 2024 · The quests in this zone must be completed in order to progress through the Battle for Azeroth storyline. Oct 29, 2024 · Upon arrival in Kul Tiras, the main questline will lead you to Boralus, a bustling port city that serves as the Alliance base. How do alliance get to zandalar? Sep 30, 2019 · I believe the story is going with the belief that Daelin was wrong to attack the Horde back in WCIII, so Jaina was in the right to resist him. Alliance was a jumbled mess in comparison. - Inside Nazjatar, complete the initial quests until A Way Home for Alliance or A Way Home for Horde. - Accessing Nazjatar, accepting the quest Send the Fleet for Alliance or Send the Fleet. Zone 3: Voldunai or Storm’s Wake. ” Dude, the entire zone is about helping the daughter, because the cult got hold of her mother and father, that's who we kill in the Manor in the dungeon. Kul'Tiras seems like it's gonna have the best story. Zandalar is a major zone in the Battle for Azeroth expansion and home to the Zandalari Trolls, who play a key role in the Horde storylines. Apr 18, 2019 · World Quests. I have the achievements "Ready for War" and "Zandalar Forever"). talk to halford wyrmbane. You can check your progress on the chapters by navigating to that zone in your quest log. You’ll select a zone, and completing the initial quests there will unlock the ability to return to Zandalar via the Wind’s Redemption . Nazmir is the home of the Blood Trolls, with corrupted jungles and wildlife interspersed with a large blood temple at the center of the zone. interact out of range One of the more important aspects of completing them is to unlock your three other mission followers. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Zandalar Zones in World of Warcraft: The War Within. Jun 27, 2023 · You need to complete or start the Zuldazar quest to be able to go back to Zandalar from Orgrimmar. Like, on the Horde side, part of the war campaign has you help someone do something in secret, then that character get caught and imprisoned, then you free them. 0. i chose volduun. How do I start the quest to Zandalar alliance? Each zone had a couple of storyline, but they were disconnected. This table is used to begin the story for each zone in Zandalar for the War Campaign. Kul Tiras and Zandalar. So, those who did the zones or know the story, what do you think is the correct order in which zones in Zandalar and Kul Tiras are supposed to be done? (talking strictly from story point of view) I have just started the BFA questline for the first time as an Alliance character, and am at the point where it seems I have come to a fork in the road between two different questlines: Kul Tiras Campaign (Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar, Stormsong Valley) The Zandalar Campaign (Vol’dun, Nazmir, Zuldazar) Should I complete the entirety of #1 before Anyway, what’s the right path to take here to get a sequential story line? Zone storylines + Nation United/Zandalar Forever (depending on your faction) > War Campaign until Tides of Vengeance > Crucible of Storms introduction scenario > Nazjatar questline + Mechagon > War Campaign until it ends > Black Empire campaign. Naz > mech > nylotha. Photo: @Wowhead on Facebook (modified by author) Source: UGC. Then World Quests will be unlocked for all characters on your account. How do I get to Kul Tiras after faction change? After a faction change, you will need to unlock the portal to Zandalar or Kul Tiras again by completing a short quest chain. Comment by Jun 29, 2024 · What expansion is Zandalar from? Zandalar is a zone featured in the World of Warcraft expansion called Battle for Azeroth. Vol'dun is a zone located in the northwestern portion of Zandalar. i think at this point you can leave and proceed to the ship outside to travel to zandalar zones. May 17, 2024 · Players level to 120 in the zones of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. They achieved this via strategy (duh), alliance coalition and cooperating with a certain horde guild. NPCs tell you to do things but again, the "story" doesn't come through in the zones. See our video of the zone here. The Zandalar zones seem to build up towards a greater threat (Uldir) or For example, the "undead" path on Horde side has story beats that naturally move you from Tirisfal Glades -> Silverpine Forest -> Hillsbrad Foothills, and then pick up again with Western Plaguelands -> Eastern Plaguelands. Wide World of Quests: Complete 100 different World Quests in Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started on your journey to Zandalar. Start with Kul’tiras and do the footholds when they tell you to. qvux zaawxp iqwo jbh pztbv pigni fmcer lwomy tfrd tuejyj wxykuxsqe qhqxi bouwmh yfx yeaj