Pygmy goat birthing problems Mar 6, 2024 · Properly managing their feed is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Hope someone can give me some advice. In this case, a diagnosis of enterotoxemia should cause the goat owner to change their vaccination schedule and eliminate the source of the feeding problem if one was identified. The goats not forced to give doubles and triples but do so naturally are alot less likely to have these problems with dieing young. The Pygmy Goat has an endearing, almost teddy bear-like appearance that adds to their popularity as pets or hobby farm animals. Hay is an essential part of a pygmy goat’s diet. When i opened up their Feb 18, 2016 · I have a 7 month old buck boer goat and have a problem. But equally, problems that arise are not always the fault of the breeder. And your neighbor who raises goats and mixes his own feed isn't a goat nutritionist either. 16 The aqueous humor provides glucose, oxygen, amino acids, and electrolytes for nutrition of the avascular cornea and lens and also removes their metabolic waste products. The gestation period for goats ranges from 145 to 155 days. You can do the following natural methods for your pregnant goat. As a Nigerian dwarf breeder myself, I am acutely aware of how many people think that “pygmy” is a size, not a breed of goat. Anywhere within that period is regarded as normal. They are small, cobby, and compact. Products and Uses Meat Production. Be knowledgeable in advance about these 5 goat birth complications you need to watch out for, and know what to do should they occur. She had a leg sticking out of her. I need to know how to alter the pattern. We had two accidental matings with our pygmy goats, both with goats under a year old; the resulting problems we then had were definitely our fault. Also 1 of them has kinda of floppy ears and could not walk for the first 4 hours Oct 17, 2024 · Pygmy goats, by and large, do not have this problem. Osuagwuh, of the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Reproduction, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, who conducted a study on nutrition during gestation entitled, "Effects of Strategic Feed Supplementation During Pregnancy on Birth Weight and Perinatal Survival I have a different type of question. Pygmy goats boast a variety of coat colors and patterns, adding to their appeal. Look Out For Problems. An emergency C-section may need to be performed to save your doe and her kid(s). 5 kg at birth. Goat Chow can be fed to dry does, growing does, bucks, Pygmy goats, Show goats and as a milking ration. Pygmy goat milk is rich in calcium, potassium, and lower in sodium than other breeds. They have been bred to be the size that they are because, simply put, small things are attractive as exotic pets! My point is, pygmy goats generally don’t need to be milked every day like other breeds. Office Hours. Before the babies arrive, make sure you have some supplies ready. Oct 18, 2024 · Pushing Motions. Mar 21, 2023 · Pygmy goats are generally healthy animals, but they can be prone to certain health issues, such as parasites, hoof problems, and dental issues. Jan 24, 2023 · PYGMY GOAT CARE BOOK MADE SIMPLE: Full Guide on Pygmy Goat Nurturing; Includes Feeding Pattern, Conduct, Health Problems, Building a Goat Pen, Picking a Perfect One as a Pet, and lots more. Mar 23, 2019 · Start watching the goat for signs of labor, and check on her frequently or move her into a kidding stall at night. One crucial aspect is determining the optimal time to breed goats after they have given birth, known as kidding. Mar 19, 2013 · Pregnant Pygmy goat, Pearl, tries to steal the baby from another goat. EMAIL: NPGA2021@gmail. National Pygmy Goat Association 1030 Safety Harbor Road West Union, SC 29696. Inducing labor in your goat mainly reduces her stress and gets the baby out as quickly as possible. Although it’s normal for you to be anxious as your pygmy goat’s labor approaches, do your level best to remain calm. A necropsy should always be performed on a goat that has died of unknown causes. Jun 6, 2023 · So now I’m prepared with a “Kidding Kit” for any goat birth. When we first bought the goat two months ago he seemed fine with weight and and energy. Oct 25, 2022 · Nigerian dwarf goats are easy to handle and also make great pet goats because of their small size. night and she had delivered 2 babies. Goat wormer is sold over the counter at agricultural supply stores in liquid and pellet Goat Statistics . Any time that a goat separates itself from the herd, is a sign that something is up! This is one of the first signs that your goat is sick…or in labor! 7. she seems fine but is there pygmy goat being born, blood, goo, and birthing problem. Raising pygmy goats: Pros and Cons Apr 9, 2018 · Lack of birthing issues can be put down to choosing good stock and managing that flock well over the years. But it doesn't have to be. I am very familiar with foaling mares and cattle. Sep 14, 2023 · The breeding process of Pygmy Goats involves selecting compatible breeding pairs, monitoring the heat cycles of female goats (does), and introducing a buck (male goat) for mating. My goats were right outside my bedroom window, so keeping an eye on them was easy-peasy. When putting your kit together, there are four main areas that you need to be thinking about: The prepared goat owner…YOU! When your goat is in labor ; The kid(s) after birth; The doe after birth; You excited goat owner, you! Jan 8, 2019 · Goat kidding can be really scary when you have goats giving birth for the first time. also, their teats are obviously smaller and the udder lower to the Cheryl K. They are working on that now and a longer torso is what they are breeding for now. Feeding During Pregnancy Maxine Kinne. Jan 26, 2008 · The African Pygmy goat is a breed of goat that was first created in the United States after miniature goats were imported from Africa in the 1930s, though some suspect earlier illegal shipments may have been made. I sometimes recommend using a purebred Nigerian dwarf buck on grade pygmy does. This observation may include failure of active labor to be initiated after an appropriate time span, prolonged labor without producing kids, abrupt cessation of parturition, prolapse of portions of the reproductive tract, delivery of the placenta without delivery of kids, or a sense of 2 days ago · Goats & Pregnancy by Gary Pfalzbot About the Author. The pygmy goat’s height is measured at the withers, which is the highest point on their back. 5-2. Coccidia is a protozoan parasite that all goat owners should be aware of. issue is I have no idea how far along she is and when she could be due or how many she is having. May 22, 2024 · A mature wether (castrated male) or mature female Pygmy goat weighs between 40 to 55 pounds (18 to 24 kgs) on average. Some bucks make big babies (so do some does). Do pygmy's have any health problems specific to their breed? 5. Sep 3, 2016 · Case Management. Feed the goats natural goat feed (browse, a little hay, even less grain) they will perform well. A normal goat temperature is between 102 to 103 degrees F. Shop. Jan 17, 2009 · Hi christine, I have just had my first goat birthing and sadly the baby died. Around two weeks before kidding time, thoroughly clean out and disinfect the kidding pen. Similar to humans, the most common example of a goat going into labor has to do with pushing motions. Sometimes goats will give birth standing and others will do it laying down. They are too young and too small to be bred without likely complications. Learn how to prevent coccidiosis in your goats and how to treat it if your goats have it. Purina Goat Chow is fortified with all the essential vitamins and minerals, such as selenium, Vitamin E, and cobalt and provides 16% all natural protein. She's been doing fine so far, she seems to be eating ok, we put food out and she eats it straight away and there's always leftovers (we feed a mixture of corn, sweet feed and alfalfa pellets), They have plenty of bailed hay and alfalfa, plenty of water and about a 1 day ago · Breeding Interval: Goats can be bred every 6-8 weeks, but a longer interval (12-16 weeks) is recommended for optimal health. The ruminant animal has a rumen, reticulum, omasum,… Jun 23, 2022 · Pygmy Goat Giving Birth and what to look for when a goat goes into labour. This video contains actual Pygmy goat birth footage plus video of Pearl making efforts The average normal intraocular pressure in goats has been reported at 7. Feb 28, 2024 · Pygmy goats were historically kept as meat goats, but today are primarily kept as pets and companions. With proper care and attention, pygmy goats can live up to 15 years, providing joy and entertainment to their owners. Mar 9, 2015 · I don't know pygmy's well, but when breeding goats one needs to take into account other factors. Please always obtain expert advice and services regarding your specific needs in care of livestock and goat pregnancy from a licensed veterinary professional. As kidding time nears and the kids start moving into position, the doe’s belly sags. Some common health issues affecting pygmy goats include respiratory infections, parasites such as worms and lice, hoof problems like foot rot or abscesses, mastitis in females after giving birth, and nutritional deficiencies. Jan 27, 2025 · If not carefully watched over, goat kid problems will cause you a lot of sorrow. PHONE: 661-448-5141. Mar 29, 2014 · 24 hours after birth: MAMA GOAT: It would be wise to take your doe’s temperature. Read more about every steps of pygmy goat care below. Goat Birthing Kit. We can only learn from knowing the true cause of death. Male pygmy goats can grow up to 16 to 23 inches tall, and females can grow up to 16 to 22 inches tall. Jul 25, 2022 · Goat Health Problems Annual Maintenance. Most Pygmy goats give birth earlier rather than later, at 147 to 150 days. Feb 26, 2025 · American Pygmy Goats are affectionately known as ‘mini goats’ due to their small stature. Meat Yield: An adult goat can yield between 10-15 kg of meat, depending on its size and condition. It is the most common illness in goats ages 3 weeks to 6 months. In more specific terms, that means that an adult pygmy goat will grow to about 18 to 20 inches tall at the shoulders. Body Temperature: 102. Copper deficiency can also cause stillborn kids, kids that are weak or birth, kids that die after birth due to starvation (failure to nurse) or die after weaning. This was a pygmy doe. she was a beautiful perfect goat baby but the back of her head was touching her back when i found her. Jan 18, 2021 · They both will cause health problems in your goat if left unchecked, so it’s important that you worm your pygmy goat regularly – even if it’s pregnant! All You Need About Worming Pygmy Goats In previous years and tikes, goats were usually dewormed at intervals irrespective of their age, size or weight, height, current medical conditions Here is what you can expect to see during the birthing process: 1. Knowing some of these differences can be very important to achieving the best herd management. This is the natural order of things. Pygmy goats for sale · January 22, 2022 · January 22, 2022 · Aug 26, 2024 · Basic pygmy goat care includes feeding, shelter, fencing, trimming and worming. Usually the breeder will announce that fact. Now, the pygmy goats are bred to be cobby and heavy boned. Understanding Pygmy Goat Size and Growth When it comes to understanding the size and growth of pygmy goats, it’s important to consider different goat breeds and compare their size and height. It makes them Find and save ideas about pygmy goat pen on Pinterest. Breeding goats is a careful process that requires an understanding of their reproductive cycles and health. If wethers you can feed them grain as a treat but limit their grain ration to Mar 1, 2020 · Many goat keepers find this method to be the most reliable goat labor sign. Apr 6, 2015 · Over the past few years, I’ve noticed an increasing amount of advice directing goat breeders to routinely intervene in the births of every goat. Their digestive tract looks and functions quite differently from simple-stomached animals such as man, swine, dogs, and cats. Pygmy Goats Height. 9 mm Hg in Angora goats. Pregnancy and kidding are two of the happier aspects of raising goats. I need to know the overall size of pygmy/ dwarf goats at birth. Nigerians are now being bred so that they are smaller slimmer and such so I hope birthing problems do not start showing up. Let’s get started. Common colors include: Caramel; Black; Agouti (mixed colors) White Feb 26, 2020 · And then after that I’ve just kind of started using them at warmer and warmer temperatures. A normal labor typically spans about five hours. Feeding adequate quality feeds to your goats is very important. We feed all our goats and him alfalfa hay but he wouldn’t eat it. - Kindle edition by GERALD, WESLEY . 8 mm Hg in Pygmy goats 15 and 13. A. Master the essentials of raising and caring for goats with this comprehensive course, designed for beginners and seasoned goat owners alike. Their milk is very sweet and delicious. Smith has raised a small herd of Nigerian Dwarf and Oberian dairy goats under the herd name Mystic Acres since 1998. The process will repeat with each kid. Size And Weight – Mention that Pygmy Goats are quite small, usually only 16-23 inches tall and 35-75 pounds. Dec 27, 2011 · 4. Feb 8, 2025 · Hi guys, I have a Pygmy goat that I got 4 months ago when she was 6 months old (now 10 months ) I have just been advised that she is pregnant , I’ve never bred goats before and was not expecting her to be pregnant. Whenever any animal feels something protruding from their stomach, it makes sense for them to do natural pushing motions. Jan 31, 2024 · Even after more than a decade of raising and breeding pygmy goats, it still surprises me how different each pygmy goat pregnancy and kidding is. but they can be prone to certain health issues Please SUBSCRIBE!This video covers early labor signs, what contractions look like, and includes the actual birth of ONE BIG goat kid, including a full breech Customer: Have neighbor girl that is new at raising pygmy goats, her goat gave birth to 3 kids, last kid born yesterday at 1:00PM She has not yet cleaned yet. Vets are usually not trained in goat nutrition. Some people also keep Pygmy goats for show animals. Jan 7, 2024 · While pygmy goats are generally hardy animals, they can still be prone to certain health issues. Please Pygmy goats are pregnant for between 145 and 153 days. But in their early years, my goats survived a lot. She's never had a problem with twin or singles - pops 'em right out with hardly a pause in her daily routine. Within about 12 to 18 hours before she gives birth when you press your palms against her flank, you will no longer be able to feel the kids moving around. When you see your goat pushing, you know this is the real deal. One of the most prevalent health issues in pygmy goats is gastrointestinal problems. Coccidiosis and round worm infections seem to predispose goats to copper deficiency, and pneumonia may become a secondary problem. Males average 40-60 pounds at maturity, while females are slightly smaller when fully grown, averaging 35 to 50 pounds. Nov 5, 2023 · If you were wondering how big does a pygmy goat get, it will help to know that an adult full grown pygmy goat stands about as tall as an adult’s knee. This is located between the shoulder blades. Thankfully, this gal dilates wide enough to get easily inside her for help. Goats may have three, or rarely, more kids. We heard so many horror tales from people about Pygmy birthing problems! We were told by Kinder breeders to make sure that the Pygmy buck came from a line that bred for easy birthing. People raising show goats are the absolute worst source of advice about goat nutrition. Jan 22, 2011 · I had a pygmy goat have triplets yesterday and i was wondering how is the best way to make sure the mom is producing enough milk for all 3? I have as much hay and grain as she wants and is given fresh water daily. Your Goat Will Push. Don't assume that younger, smaller bucks are unlikely to breed sexually-mature does. Contact. The diagnosis of dystocia is based on the owner’s observation of the kidding process. 10:09 So, if a goat does go into labor and give birth, and it’s 10 degrees or 20 degrees, the kids are going to survive. Newborn Weight: Baby goats (kids) typically weigh between 1. ** WARNING: EXTREME CLOSE UP OF BIRTH **Not all our farmers are comfortable talking to camera but during lockdown they have really come together to provide a Goat Statistics . Are they especially needy during birthing? 6. Goats have been kidding without human assistance for quite some time now. A. Jun 29, 2023 · Common Diseases, Illnesses, and Conditions in Pygmy Goats. As a goat owner, it’s crucial to be aware of potential problems that may arise, ensuring the well-being and longevity of your goat kids. In this episode, we are talking to four National Champion Pygmy breeders about what exactly makes a Pygmy goat. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. I. We recently acquired twin brothers born on 4-19. 3. A balanced diet for pygmy goats consists of various nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. Give me twins Pygmy goats are highly sociable animals that thrive in the company of other goats or humans. Here is a list of what I like to keep on hand. This article can help you get started toward becoming a confident, educated goat keeper who knows exactly how to help the goat birthing process. Successful breeding typically results in the birth of cute and playful kid goats around five months later. Feeding. Anybody in the East Texas/Louisianna area have pygmy goats? I would love to see pictures of everyone's pygmys too Pregnancy and giving birth are accompanied by great risks, taking place outside under a wide variety of oftentimes dangerous and unsanitary conditions. Only a small amount. Statistically, the most common cause of goats not passing their placenta is a selenium deficiency. I am making sweaters for the babies. Similar problems can occur with very young does. I found the pattern on the internet but it is for La Mancha babies. Milk, Pets, Packers, Meat, Babies, and Birthing. I have read that they are 2 pounds but what length are they and about how big around. The kid can be in a poor position for birth, or too big for the doe to deliver. Mature Pygmy goats typically grow to 16 to 24 inches (40 to 61 cm) tall. If they are up cleaning a kid and appear comfortable, longer than one hour may be acceptable. She is the owner of karmadillo Press and is the author of Goat Health Care, Goat Midwifery, The Best of Ruminations Goat Milk and Cheese Recipes, and Raising Goats: Some Essentials. While American Pygmy Goats are not primarily raised for meat, they can provide a secondary source of income through meat production. 9 to 11. Mar 22, 2023 · Episode 103 For the Love of Goats. Jan 31, 2024 · Article disclaimer, Nicole Zaagman is not a veterinary technician or veterinarian. Some things you’ll need to have on hand are a clean, dry area for the goat to lie down in, some clean straw or hay for bedding, and a clean bucket of water. Please SUBSCRIBE!Hi, I'm Salisha, a mom, wif Nov 13, 2024 · What some may refer to as teacup pygmy goats are often just smaller individuals within the breed or the result of selective breeding for diminutive size, which can sometimes lead to health issues. The doe changes shape. Heck, she could have even stepped or rolled on the kid accidentally and killed it. You should check to see if your doe is having problems giving birth. Here are a few of my suggestions and proactive preparations to help support your pygmy goat momma to be. Looking out for problems must be the first step before inducing your goat. They are friendly, social animals that enjoy human interaction and make great additions to a backyard or small farm. You’ll need to keep a close eye on the whole process. The time from which a doe is bred until she gives birth is on average, 150 - 155 days. It is remarkable that more pregnancy- and birthing-related deaths do not occur. Have Oxytocin and antibiotics on hand. Think of this in human terms: A 12-year-old female may be able to conceive a child, but it can be a recipe for birthing problems. Nigerian dwarf goats have easy preganancies and experience few kidding problems in general. Learn practical, proven techniques for every aspect of goat ownership, from selecting This Pin was discovered by Cadence. Watch. It should be based on how mature the animal is, not just age. If you don't have access to a goat nutritionist, find one now. At the peak of their lactation, pygmy goats can produce up to ⅔ of a gallon of milk per day. 2 days ago · Pygmy goats reach sexual maturity early, almost at the age of 4 months; Avoid breeding them early; Keep them away from bucks for at least a year; The gestation period takes approximately 5 months. she deliverded the placenta 2 hours later. . 5° F-104° F Pulse/heart rate: 60 to 80 beats per minute Respiration rate: 15 to 30 breaths per minute May 2, 2015 · So to be honest we are total newbies when it comes to goats. Not only is this unwarranted, but the risks far outweigh the benefits because it can result in infection or a ruptured uterus or even hurting the kid. it was the does firs kid. Feb 26, 2025 · Pygmy goats for milk. It is important to be aware of these common conditions so that you can promptly address any signs of illness or discomfort in your goats. The earliest I have bred a doe was at 9 months, she was a big doe and was very mature in her body. The Goat Mastery Course Become a goat expert on all things goats, cradle to grave. The pygmy goat gestation period is usually between 143 and 157 days. Anybody show their pygmy's? 7. Goats give birth to one or two kids; each weighs about two to four pounds at birth, but can stand and nurse within minutes. This summarizes an article from The Journal of Agricultural Science (1992), written by Dr. 1. I got home from work on Mon. When you see your goat lying down and begin to suspect that the kids are on the way, what should you be looking for? Feb 21, 2013 · We heard so many horror tales from people about Pygmy birthing problems! We were told by Kinder breeders to make sure that the Pygmy buck came from a line that bred for easy birthing. We tried calf manna and corn but he won’t eat that Dec 2, 2024 · Pygmy Goat: 30-50 lbs: 20-25 inches: $400-$700: breeding and birthing assistance, and nutrition counseling. The first problem we had was that he wouldn’t eat much. 0. Also, I’d recommend herbally de-worming your doe to help prevent a surge in worms while her immune system is down. Adult males, sometimes referred to as bucks, often weigh between 50 and 70 pounds, and adult females, also referred to as does, typically weigh between 40 and 70 pounds. Feb 3, 2024 · This will happen when labor and birth are within 24 hours. In this article, we will discuss 15 common goat kid problems that you should be watchful for. I will mention, often, goats give birth without anyone even Dec 15, 2008 · Quote: Hi Nikki! The biggest thing to consider is probably how much milk exactly you need. The more slender dairy type kids are often easier for many does to birth and the nigerian dwarf adds color and maybe blue eyes. However, I’ve had a couple of goats show absolutely no signs at 7pm yet at 7am they came to eat accompanied by a little one! These signs are in no particular order: The doe digs a nest, paces, paws at the ground or bedding Dec 13, 2022 · Some plants can also poison pygmy goats, but these problems are minimal and avoidable. Mar 29, 2014 · Other potential problems is that the kid didn't get dried off quickly enough (a chilled baby of any species is not a good thing) or couldn't nurse. But it could vary depending on their location, size, color, sex, and pedigree. Jan 5, 2022 · In longer labor and delivery situations, you might be seeing goat labor problems. The Births start at the 13:00 mark in the video. Feb 19, 2024 · Pygmy goats make great pets due to their small size and gentle nature but require companionship from other goats and consistent care against health issues. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Prada gave birth to a Healthy Male and Female Goat Kid at 3:45pm and 4:05 pm on Monday March 3 , 2025. There are many things you can do to assist your goats but there are times when vet help is essential. Basic Feed Types for Pygmy Goats Hay: Types and Quality. Pygmy goats are much smaller than other types of goats and take up less space. A regular diet of pygmy goats must include protein enriched foods such as grains, fresh greens and oats. Additional shipments continued to arrive in the country until the 1960s. Nov 17, 2007 · Pygmy goats have been breed so that the standard changed and that caused birthing problems. by Lorrie Blackburn, DVM Pygmy goats are ruminants like sheep, cattle, deer, llamas, etc. This will vary slightly among breeds (especially Pygmy goats), but one thing is certain - the care of the expectant doe is very important. i,ve fed her some hay and talked to her she talked back alot. 5° F-104° F Pulse/heart rate: 60 to 80 beats per minute Respiration rate: 15 to 30 breaths per minute Sep 29, 2024 · Pygmy goats are small, so they won’t outdo a full-sized dairy goat. When the kid is born, try to let the cord break naturally, but if the sac is not broken, break it for the doe. Aug 11, 2017 · Pygmy goats often have problems giving birth normally due to a narrowed birth canal resulting from excess fat deposits. Goats should be wormed roughly six times per year. How Much Do Pygmy Goats Cost? Pygmy goat costs around $100 to $400 if you’d buy from reputable breeders. Thank you. They reach an average height of 15-20 inches at the withers, making them the smallest goat breed available. Oct 17, 2024 · Today, we’re going to look at some of the common reasons your goat is not passing her placenta. Unassisted goat birth start to finish. Nicole encourages all farms to establish a VCPR (Veterinary Client Patient Relationship) prior to caring for or purchasing any pets or livestock Jan 19, 2009 · This I was not aware of, I wonder if it is new since I did hear that they were trying to stear away from the mini pygmy which tend to have birthing problems The breed standard says revised June 2007 Keep it friendly keep it fun Aug 3, 2022 · Pygmy goats usually give birth without any problems, but it’s always good to be prepared just in case. Feed store operators are not livestock nutritionists. Dec 17, 2006 · Then she will give birth at about 1 year. We have been bottle feeding them. They stay in the house right now because in Indiana the nights are getting down to the 30's and I dont want them outside in that. Explore Feb 21, 2013 · Brooke, We started with Kinders and Pygmy boys are a very important part of the Kinder Kit. com. However, they produce a surprising amount of milk for their size! Pygmy goats generally produce between 1 quart to 2/3 of a gallon of milk daily, with an average production of around 1 to 2 quarts! That’s a reasonable amount for a small family. Jun 5, 2006 · This cross should do fine. Pygmy goat | image by Pygmy Goat via Flickr | CC BY 2. Breeding any full size doe to a pygmy or nigerian buck is safe and done also, for pet quality small animals, and in the case of the new mini-dairy breeds and mini-meat breeds, but just like in cows, if you breed the small female to the large male you are just asking for birthing problems. Nigerian Dwarf Goat Pregnancy. Must great information for anyone who raises goats or plans on raising goats in the future. Pygmy goats give birth to 2 – 4 kids after every 9 to 12 months; Consult a veterinarian for breeding advice based on the goat’s health; How to Nov 8, 2017 - Explore gail harris's board "goat birthing" on Pinterest. They do exist. DOE “NESTS” AND PAWS THE GROUND Jan 17, 2009 · Here are the most common signs of birthing. Then, we’re going to look at how you can help, what to do as well as what not to do. Our older ladies came into heat in mid Im having some problems with my pygmy goat mama. Nov 3, 2010 · History: Pygmy goat under a year old just had first two kids Jan 19 this year. A pregnant or nursing nanny goat is not typically wormed unless she develops an infestation that must immediately be dealt with to prevent serious harm to the animal. For those of you down south you’re going 40 degrees is not warm. Pygmy goats, like Nigerian Dwarfs, trace their origins back to Africa. Regular veterinary check-ups, proper nutrition, and good hygiene practices can help prevent many of these problems. A mature Billy goat (or buck) tends to weigh a little more, usually topping out as a maximum of 80 to 85 pounds (36 to 38 kgs). This is my first goat. See more ideas about goat care, pygmy goat, raising goats. When these little gals carry multiples there's hardly enough room for them to line up and position properly for birthing. I know people do milk pygmies, and they have the highest butterfat of all breeds, but they havent actually been bred for milking purposes and that along with the fact they are a mini breed means your yields will be far less than a nubian. Young does can be breed as from 8 months if they have reached the desirable mature size. Even purebreds bred to each other can cause size problems. They are known for their curious and mischievous behavior, often showcasing their intelligence through problem-solving and exploration. Aug 14, 2019 · Some does may take longer between kids without problems. But don't have a clue how to treat this poor little goat. 8:00 AM to 4:00 Pygmy goats are native to West Africa and are also known as Cameroon Dwarf goats. Pygmy goat milk is best maintained when it’s kept in cold storage. tcbg xhxyr ohrdt jsidguj dgemqov ntdyhx vgaa cxvm uocolz rbqts htx gvpuexh uys gdio jkrbxu