Nordvpn smart dns apple tv. 103; DNS secundario: 103.

Nordvpn smart dns apple tv セカンダリ(利用可能な場合):103. Before you start the setup of your Apple TV with NordVPN check that both your Apple TV as well as the device you intend to install NordVPN on are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. SmartDNS auf LG TV; SmartDNS auf Apple TV; Für Anweisungen für andere Geräte verwendest du diese DNS-Server: Primär: 103. ) On your Apple TV, navigate to NordVPN SmartDNS offers a simple setup process, allowing you to quickly configure your devices and access geo-restricted streaming content by adjusting a few network settings. NordVPN SmartDNS에 필요한 모든 정보를 얻으려면 아래를 클릭하십시오. Mar 12, 2024 · Mit den folgenden Methoden kannst du ein VPN für Apple TV oder einen anderen Smart TV einrichten, der nicht auf Android basiert (z. La tecnología SmartDNS está integrada en NordVPN SmartPlay , por lo que solo necesitas una suscripción a NordVPN para acceder. For at konfigurere dit LG TV til Smart DNS-VPN-funktionen skal du følge disse trin: Du skal sørge for, at du på den enhed, du bruger i øjeblikket, er forbundet til det samme netværk, som bruges til LG TV. com Jun 27, 2022 · To configure your Apple TV for NordVPN’s Smart DNS feature, follow these steps: 1. Benefits of Using Jan 28, 2025 · Before, Apple TV users like you and me had to juggle with smart DNS, VPN connection sharing, router VPN setup, or AirPlay screen mirroring just to get NordVPN up and running. 그런 SmartDNS est la solution pour regarder en toute sécurité des services de streaming sans avoir à configurer NordVPN sur le routeur. O melhor de tudo é que é automático: basta se conectar à NordVPN para aproveitar todos os benefícios do SmartPlay. Pour configurer la fonctionnalité Smart DNS de votre Apple TV, vous devez suivre les étapes suivantes : Sur l'appareil que vous utilisez actuellement, assurez-vous que vous êtes connecté au même réseau que celui utilisé pour le téléviseur Apple. ルーターにNordVPNを設定する。この方法では、Smart TV、Apple TV、Chromecast、Roku、またはビデオゲームコンソールにルーターからのVPN接続が確立されます。 Windows PCからワイヤレスVPN接続を共有する。 Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o NordVPN SmartDNS? Kliknij tutaj, aby uzyskać wszystkie potrzebne informacje na temat SmartDNS od NordVPN. 3. jeśli Apple TV jest podłączony do Wi-Fi_123, podłącz bieżące urządzenie do tej samej sieci Wi-Fi). 다음 안내에 따라 LG TV에서 Smart DNS VPN 기능을 구성하세요. Select a server from the list of countries and that’s it – your Apple TV traffic is now securely covered with a VPN. SmartDNS est la solution pour regarder en toute sécurité des services de streaming sans avoir à configurer NordVPN sur le routeur. Cómo instalar una VPN en tu smart TV LG. SmartDNS es una tecnología que te permite acceder a contenido en tu smart TV que podría no estar disponible en tu región. 86. Der NordVPN-Dienst darf niemals zur Umgehung von Urheberrechtsbestimmungen verwendet werden. Afterward, in the “Services” section, click on NordVPN. Install Streaming Apps: Download and install the streaming apps on your Smart TV. Use Ethernet Connection: If possible, connect your Smart TV to the internet using an Ethernet cable for a more stable and faster connection. Safeguard your Apple TV with NordVPN > Conclusion. Select Configure DNS. Secondario (se disponibile): 103. Em modelos mais recentes, instalar uma VPN na sua smart TV é uma opção muito melhor. Um online zu gehen, benutzt dein Smart TV höchstwahrscheinlich einen Router. Il fonctionne en redirigeant vos requêtes DNS via les serveurs de NordVPN, ce qui donne l’impression que vous accédez au contenu du pays où se trouve le serveur. Nov 6, 2024 · Perks of pairing Apple TV with NordVPN. A smart TV can be hacked, like any other device connected to the internet. These are our DNS servers: 103. You can set up a VPN for Apple TV or any other non-Android smart TV (a Samsung smart TV Tizen OS or LG’s webOS, for example) with the following methods: Method 1: Configure a VPN on your home router. Les SmartDNS ne devraient être utilisés que sur les appareils qui ne prennent pas en charge NordVPN, comme les anciennes smart TV. De fleste af de førende VPN'er tilbyder konfigurationer af smart DNS, såsom NordVPN's app med det smarte navn SmartDNS-funktion. (예: LG TV가 Wi-Fi_123에 연결되어 있다면, 현재 사용 중인 장치도 동일한 Wi-Fi에 연결하세요). 96. 47 votes, 51 comments. Teraz włącz LG Smart TV i naciśnij Ustawienia na pilocie. Mar 6, 2024 · Después de hacer esto, tienes que ir a tu Apple TV y añadir unos servidores DNS: En tu Apple TV, vete hasta “General” y selecciona “Red”. Mieux encore, c'est automatique : vous bénéficiez de tous les avantages de SmartPlay dès que vous vous connectez à NordVPN. Whitelist your IP address on your profile. Smart dns masks geolocation as well. I really hope apple allows the use of a vpn on their Apple TV devices one day. Sekundär (om tillgänglig): 103. Il servizio NordVPN non deve mai essere utilizzato per aggirare le normative sul copyright. This is because Apple TV lacks VPN support. If you can access your router's configuration page through a web browser, go there. För att konfigurera din LG TV för Smart DNS VPN-funktionen måste du följa dessa steg: På enheten du använder ska du kontrollera att du är ansluten till samma nätverk som används för din LG TV. Dec 3, 2023 · Se hai una di queste smart TV, nella guida seguente puoi scoprire come proteggere la tua connessione e guardare un film in totale tranquillità con una VPN. 103. Feb 6, 2025 · Folgende acht einfachen Schritte können Sie ausführen um Ihren Apple TV für die Smart DNS-Funktionen von NordVPN zu konfigurieren: Schritt 1: Bekommen das NordVPN Abonnement Und melde dich für dein Konto an. Set up Smart DNS on Apple TV. O SmartDNS deve ser usado apenas em dispositivos que não suportam a NordVPN, como uma smart TV mais antiga. To get online, your smart TV most likely uses a router. Afterward, you should enter the code you see on your TV screen onto your phone to confirm the legitimacy of your connection. (np. De NordVPN-dienst mag nooit worden gebruikt om copyrightregels te omzeilen. Feb 18, 2024 · Tras instalar la app, inicia sesión y selecciona un servidor (en NordVPN puedes hacerlo manualmente o de forma aleatoria). 103 . Para configurar tu Apple TV para la función SmartDNS, deberás seguir estos pasos: En el dispositivo que estás utilizando actualmente, asegúrate de que estás conectado a la misma red que se utiliza para el Apple TV (Por ejemplo, si tu Apple TV está conectado a Wi-Fi_123, entonces conecta tu dispositivo actual a la misma red wifi). Apple TV에서 SmartDNS를 설정하는 방법; LG TV에서 SmartDNS VPN 기능을 설정하는 방법; DNS vs. Use NordVPN Smart DNS. adresse DNS de NordVPN SmartDNS na LG TV; SmartDNS na Apple TV; Aby uzyskać instrukcje dotyczące innych urządzeń, użyj następujących serwerów DNS: Podstawowy (Primary): 103. Oct 10, 2022 · Option 1. Apple TV Ethernet Configuration menu with Configure DNS highlighted. Haz clic en wifi en la parte superior y selecciona tu red. Connect to a Server: Connect to a server in the country where the streaming service is available. Hi all, I just signed up for a month of NordVPN, I enabled Smart DNS on my dashboard, I configured my Apple TV to the new DNS, and rebooted my Apple TV. Agora, abra a Nord-Account e faça o login. NordVPN also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee Feb 11, 2025 · 3. NordVPN działa ze wszystkimi generacjami Apple TV, więc możesz zabezpieczyć je wszystkie: Apple TV 4K, Apple TV HD, Apple TV 3. 如要設定 Apple TV 的 Smart DNS 功能,請依照下列步驟操作: 請在目前使用的裝置上,確認您已連上 與 Apple TV 連結的同一網路。(例如:若您的 Apple TV 已連上 Wi-Fi_123,則現有裝置也應該連上同一個 Wi-Fi。) 接著, 開啟 Nord Account 並登入 。隨後,在 服務 區段中按下 NordVPN。 在 SmartDNS 類別中按 Pour configurer la fonctionnalité Smart DNS VPN de votre LG TV, vous devez suivre ces étapes :. Sign up for a NordVPN account. Feb 21, 2023 · Kompatybilny z każdym Apple TV. generacji, Apple TV 1 czy 5 generacji. ein Samsung Smart TV mit Tizen OS oder LGs webOS). Before asking for a tech question, please contact their official support team or visit the Help Center. NordVPN, known for its robust security features and dependable server network, offers an easy-to-implement Smart DNS service that is compatible with Apple TV. (Om din LG TV t. It's the fastest and most supportive for streaming. NordVPN doesn’t support IPv6 yet Jan 28, 2025 · NordVPN, the top VPN for Apple TV, offers a smart DNS feature for faster streaming and a vast network of over 6,300 servers in 111 countries for secure access. ex. Thankfully, now with the NordVPN app available, setting it up is a breeze and our preferred choice. Verbinde deinen LG Smart TV mit demselben Netzwerk, das dein aktuelles Gerät verwendet. Finalmente, confirma la conexión y ya podrás usar tu smart TV Samsung con normalidad. Aby skonfigurować funkcję Smart DNS na Apple TV: Upewnij się, że urządzenie, którego używasz, ma połączenie z tą samą siecią, która jest używana przez Apple TV. 기본: 103. Secundair (indien beschikbaar): 103. we'd recommend sticking with the app or Smart DNS. Scrolle nach unten zu DNS-Modus und wähle die Registerkarte Manuell aus. To set up NordVPN on your Apple TV you can rely on four simple methods. (The next steps could vary based on the model of your Apple TV. Open your browser and log into your NordVPN account. Enter the DNS address. Smart DNS kieruje zapytania DNS za pośrednictwem swoich serwerów, nie wpływając na pozostały ruch danych ani nie zmieniając Twojego adresu IP. Ecco come configurare una VPN su smart TV Samsung: 1. Jak skonfigurować SmartDNS na Apple TV? Jun 16, 2024 · Apple TV Network menu with Ethernet highlighted. A place for all things related to NordVPN, online privacy and Internet security. Jan 9, 2024 · NordVPN funziona con tutte le generazioni di Apple TV, quindi può proteggere in maniera efficace: Apple TV 4K, Apple TV HD, Apple TV di 3ª generazione, Apple TV di 2ª generazione e Apple TV di 1ª generazione. Smart TVまたはコンソールにVPNを設定する3つの方法. Apple TV에서 SmartDNS를 설정하는 방법 LG TV에서 SmartDNS VPN 기능을 설정하는 방법 Privata DNS-servrar skyddar dig från nyfikna ögon på nätet och kan även göra din anslutning snabbare. Drücke auf die Schaltfläche „Experteneinstellung“. Sekundär (sofern verfügbar): 103. SmartDNS sur Apple TV Configurer la fonctionnalité VPN SmartDNS sur LG TV Nordvpn Smart DNS Apple Tv Le service Smart DNS de NordVPN est un excellent moyen de contourner les restrictions géographiques sur votre Apple TV. Introduce los servidores SmartDNS de NordVPN: DNS primario: 103. Before diving into the setup process, it’s crucial to understand the advantages of using NordVPN Smart DNS on your Apple TV: Nordvpn Smart DNS Apple Tv Le service Smart DNS de NordVPN est un excellent moyen de contourner les restrictions géographiques sur votre Apple TV. Teraz otwórz Nord Account i zaloguj się. Setting up NordVPN’s Smart DNS on your Apple TV is an excellent way to bypass geo-restrictions and access a broader spectrum of content globally. Sekundær (hvis tilgængelig): 103. Wähle dein Netzwerk und anschließend Andere Netzwerkliste aus. LG-tv voor de Smart DNS VPN-functie te configureren, moet je deze stappen volgen: Controleer op het apparaat dat je momenteel gebruikt is verbonden met hetzelfde netwerk dat wordt gebruikt voor de LG-tv. Benefits of Using NordVPN Smart DNS on Apple TV. SmartDNS sur Apple TV Configurer la fonctionnalité VPN SmartDNS sur LG TV 다음 안내에 따라 LG TV에서 Smart DNS VPN 기능을 구성하세요. Hier lees je hoe je SmartDNS instelt op NordVPN voor de volgende apparaten: SmartDNS op LG TV; SmartDNS op Apple TV; Voor instructies voor andere apparaten gebruik je deze DNS-servers: Primair: 103. Safeguard your Apple TV. Go to nordvpn r/nordvpn. NordVPN 서비스를 저작권 규정을 우회하는 데 사용하면 안 Hvis du vil konfigurere Apple TV for Smart DNS-funksjonen, må du følge disse trinnene: På enheten du bruker for øyeblikket, må du sørge for at du er koblet til det samme nettverket som brukes til Apple TV. Go into Settings > General Oct 18, 2024 · Step-by-Step Setup Guide for Apple TV. Hello, I know VPN isn't really a thing on AppleTV but Smart DNS services can be used to change location. 100. I only use nord vpn on my personal devices (phone, tablets, PC, MacBooks etc. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide, you can enhance your streaming experience while maintaining your internet speed. ältere Smart TVs – auf neueren Modellen ist die Installation eines VPNs auf deinem Smart TV die bessere Option. är ansluten till Wi-Fi_123 ska du ansluta din nuvarande enhet till samma wifi-nätverk). Feb 4, 2025 · 3. 103 If I activate Smart DNS and use an Apple TV with it I understand my connection won’t be secure - which is fine for an Apple TV. Aktiviere diese. Wybierz opcję Ustaw przycisk Ma soprattutto è una funzionalità automatica: nel momento in cui ti connetti a NordVPN, puoi usufruire di tutti i vantaggi di SmartPlay. As you can see, using NordVPN on Apple TV is truly smart. Controlla il tuo modello e la SmartDNS su TV LG; SmartDNS su Apple TV; Per istruzioni relative ad altri dispositivi, utilizza i seguenti server DNS: Primario: 103. Open Nord Account en log in. Setting up a VPN on most devices is a seamless, straightforward process. Auf der Hauptseite des VPNs sollte dir die Option zum Einschalten der Smart-DNS-Funktion angezeigt werden. This will allowlist your IP address and allow you to use smart DNS on the network that your Apple TV is connected to. Los smart TV de LG funcionan con un sistema operativo webOS. Åpne Nord Account og logg inn. SmartDNS should only be used on devices that don’t support NordVPN, such as older smart TV — on more recent models, installing a VPN on your smart TV is a much better option. SmartDNS na LG TV; SmartDNS na Apple TV; Aby uzyskać instrukcje dotyczące innych urządzeń, użyj następujących serwerów DNS: Podstawowy (Primary): 103. Afterwards, you MUST restart your Apple TV for the DNS change to take place. NordVPN non promuove, legittima o approva l'uso del servizio per Consider Using NordVPN App: If your Smart TV runs on Android TV or has access to the Google Play Store, consider downloading the NordVPN app for easier management. Update DNS Settings: Change your Smart TV’s DNS settings to NordVPN’s. I’d rather watch on my tv though. 2. Podłącz telewizor LG Smart TV do tej samej sieci, do której podłączone jest Twoje obecne urządzenie. B. Usługa NordVPN nigdy nie powinna być używana do omijania przepisów dotyczących praw autorskich. Wide Device Compatibility: Smart DNS works on many devices that don’t support VPNs, such as Smart TVs, game consoles, and streaming devices like Apple TV, making it a versatile solution for Quer saber mais sobre o NordVPN SmartDNS? Basta clicar aqui para obter todas as informações que você precisa sobre o NordVPN SmartDNS. 현재 사용 중인 장치가 Apple TV에 사용되는 것과 동일한 네트워크에 연결되어 있는지 확인하세요 (예: Apple TV가 Wi-Fi_123에 연결된 경우 현재 장치를 동일한 Wi-Fi에 연결하세요. Nov 27, 2024 · There's also a Smart DNS guide for Apple TV, which will allow you to expand your viewing. NordVPN에서 다음 장치를 위한 SmartDNS를 설정하는 방법: LG TV에서 SmartDNS 설정; Apple TV에서 SmartDNS 설정; 기타 장치에 대한 지침은 다음 DNS 서버를 사용하세요. generacji, Apple TV 2. 설정은 아래의 NordVPN SmartDNS 가이드를 보고 따라하시면 됩니다. Konfigurera en privat DNS-server med NordVPN. Select Manual. Utrudnia to działanie automatycznych systemów ochrony, które uruchamiają się, gdy próbujesz odwiedzić określone witryny z różnych adresów IP, a także umożliwia dostęp do sieci, które zezwalają tylko na rzeczywiste adresy IP z listy Slik konfigurerer du SmartDNS på NordVPN for følgende enheter: SmartDNS på LG TV; SmartDNS på Apple TV; For instruksjoner for andre enheter, kan du bruke disse DNS-servere: Primær: 103. Om du fortfarande upplever problem kan du kontakta vårt supportteam via chatt eller e-post. 99. NordVPN-tjänsten får aldrig användas för att kringgå LG TVのSmartDNS; Apple TVのSmartDNS; 他のデバイスの手順については、次のDNSサーバーを使用してください。 プライマリ:103. Not only will you have even more content to watch, but your activities will also stay private and anonymous to onlookers. Se non sai bene di che generazione è la tua Apple TV, puoi scoprirlo andando su "Impostazioni" > "Generali" > "Informazioni". 100 and 103. K. NordVPN has a feature of Smart DNS that helps you bypass all the geo-restrictions on Apple TV. Wähle deine Netzwerkverbindung aus. Jan 28, 2025 · Before, Apple TV users like you and me had to juggle with smart DNS, VPN connection sharing, router VPN setup, or AirPlay screen mirroring just to get NordVPN up and running. 그런 SmartDNS på LG TV; SmartDNS på Apple TV; Använd följande DNS-servrar för att få instruktioner för andra enheter: Primär: 103. SmartDNS 💥NordVPN + Threat Protection | Get EXCLUSIVE Threat Protection FREE💥💪 Get powerful privacy, security, AND malware protection for 6 devices 💪 CLICK HERE - Jan 5, 2024 · Now that that’s out the way, here are the steps you should follow to set up NordVPN Smart DNS on your Samsung TV: Connect your device to the same Wi-Fi network as your Samsung Smart TV. Sur l'appareil que vous utilisez actuellement, assurez-vous que vous êtes connecté au même réseau que celui utilisé pour le téléviseur LG. Methode 1: Konfiguriere ein VPN auf deinem Heimrouter. Here’s how to set up SmartDNS on NordVPN for the following devices: SmartDNS on LG TV; SmartDNS on Apple TV; For instructions for other devices, use these DNS servers: See full list on nordvpn. Still, if you are a Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Disney fan, using the Smart DNS feature is the best go-to option. Feb 11, 2025 · 3. But, with Apple TV, it can get quite Das Beste daran ist, dass es automatisch funktioniert – du bekommst alle Vorteile von SmartPlay, sobald du dich mit NordVPN verbindest. (Hvis dit LG TV fx er forbundet til Wi-Fi_123, så skal du forbinde din nuværende enhed til det samme wi-fi). Z tego menu ustawień przewiń w dół do Sieć i wybierz Połączenie sieciowe. Jul 18, 2023 · How to set up a VPN on non-Android smart TVs. Best of all, it’s automatic — you get all the benefits of SmartPlay the moment you connect to NordVPN. If I activate Smart DNS and use an Apple TV with it I understand my connection won’t be secure - which is fine for an Apple TV. Pomocniczy (Secondary – jeśli jest): 103. Wybierz swoją sieć, a następnie wybierz inną listę sieci. To get the best deal on NordVPN, use this 72% off coupon > For Apple TV users, setting up Smart DNS can transform their viewing experience by providing access to an expanded universe of shows and movies from all over the world. However, not all streaming platforms are supported by Smart DNS. Mar 21, 2024 · During the login process, you may receive a prompt to scan a QR code on your Apple TV with your phone. It is worth noting that it doesn't encrypt your I can’t watch any live tv on any of the U. 보조(해당하는 경우): 103. (por exemplo, se a sua Apple TV estiver conectada à rede Wi-Fi_123, conecte seu dispositivo atual ao mesmo Wi-Fi). Does anyone know any… I modsætning til en VPN-forbindelse med privat DNS krypterer smart-DNS dog ikke din onlinetrafik – det er måske nemmere at få adgang til indhold, men du vil stadig være meget sårbar. Em seguida, na seção Serviços clique em NordVPN. SmartDNS sollte nur auf Geräten verwendet werden, die NordVPN nicht unterstützen, wie z. ). Folge der Anleitung, um dein Samsung-TV-Gerät durch das VPN zu schützen. Apr 27, 2022 · To use NordVPN on Apple TV, you will have to use NordVPN’s smart DNS feature, set up a VPN on your router, use a virtual router or use screen-mirroring with a VPN-connected Apple device. No dispositivo que você está usando atualmente, verifique se você está conectado à mesma rede usada para a Apple TV. 103; DNS secundario: 103. Feb 7, 2025 · Set Up NordVPN on Router: Configure NordVPN for Smart TV access on your router. The NordVPN SmartDNS feature is perhaps the easiest way to set up this streaming VPN on your Apple TV device. VPN vs. Jeśli nie znasz generacji swojego Apple TV, dowiedz się, przechodząc do Ustawienia > Ogólne > Informacje. A VPN hides your IP address and routes your online traffic through a VPN server, protecting your online traffic from potential exploits. Vær klar over at NordVPN-tjenesten aldri bør brukes til å omgå regler om opphavsrett. Selecciona Configurar DNS > Manual. Dec 18, 2023 · With NordVPN, you can keep your streaming habits, online activity, and your IP address private from snoopers. Only method I have is to use smart DNS. Sobald du das Smart DNS aktiviert hast, solltest du eine Benachrichtigung erhalten. using SmartDNS on my apple tv to watch Sådan konfigurerer du SmartDNS på NordVPN på følgende enheder: SmartDNS på LG TV; SmartDNS på Apple TV; Hvis du vil have instruktioner til andre enheder, skal du bruge disse DNS-servere: Primær: 103. Verifica la compatibilità: non tutte le smart TV Samsung supportano direttamente le applicazioni VPN. 현재 사용 중인 장치가 LG TV에서 사용하는 네트워크와 동일한 네트워크에 연결되어 있는지 확인합니다. Hvis du stadig har problemer, bedes du kontakte vores supportteam via chat eller e Feb 11, 2025 · 3. 이제 Nord Account를 열고 로그인합니다. channels when using the smartDNS service on the Apple TV. Can I still use Nord VPN normally and securely on other devices such as my Mac and iPad? Oct 18, 2024 · Step-by-Step Setup Guide for Apple TV. Un sistema SmartDNS andrebbe utilizzato solo sui dispositivi che non supportano NordVPN, come le smart TV datate: sui modelli più recenti, è decisamente preferibile installare una VPN per smart TV. (Als je LG-tv bijvoorbeeld is verbonden met Wi-Fi_123, moet je je apparaat met hetzelfde wifi-netwerk verbinden). On demand works for bbc iPlayer and All4 but almost never works for itvHub When I switch to the vpn app on my fire tv stick then I can watch both live and on demand on any of these channels. In the “Smart DNS” category, press the “Activate” button. Bypassing wjth a vpn using my iPad or laptop works just fine. r/nordvpn. Apple TVでSmart DNS機能用の構成を行うには、次の手順に従ってください。 現在使用しているデバイスで、Apple TVで使用しているのと同じネットワークに接続されていることを確認してください。(例:Apple TVがWi-Fi_123に接続されている場合、現在使用しているデバイスを同じWi-Fiに接続します)。) 次 Smart DNS 기능을 사용하도록 Apple TV를 구성하려면 다음 단계를 수행해야 합니다. Can I still use Nord VPN normally and securely on other devices such as my Mac and iPad? Apple TV에서 바로 사용할 수 있는 NordVPN 네이티브 앱에 관해 알아보세요: Apple TV에서 VPN 사용하기. . Führe die folgenden Schritte aus, um deinen Apple TV für das Smart-DNS-Feature zu konfigurieren: Vergewissern Sie sich auf dem Gerät, das Sie gerade verwenden, dass Sie mit demselben Netzwerk verbunden sind, das auch für das Apple TV verwendet wird För att konfigurera din Apple TV för Smart DNS-funktionen måste du följa dessa steg: Vitlista din IP-adress i din kontoprofil: Om je Apple TV te configureren voor de Smart DNS-functie, moet je deze stappen volgen: Zet je IP-adres op de whitelist bij jouw Per configurare la Sua Apple TV per la funzione Smart DNS, deve seguire questi passaggi: Sul dispositivo che stai attualmente utilizzando, assicurati di essere connesso alla stessa rete utilizzata per la Apple TV (Ad esempio, se la tua Apple TV è collegata a Wi-Fi_123, collega il tuo attuale dispositivo allo stesso Wi-Fi). Öppna nu Nord Account och logga in. (Hvis for eksempel Apple TV-en din er koblet til Wi-Fi_123, må du koble gjeldende enhet til samme Wi-Fi). Sekundær (hvis tilgjengelig): 103. 著作権規制を回避するためにNordVPNサービスを使用しないでください。 Aug 18, 2023 · Découvrez ci-dessous comment installer un VPN sur une smart TV Samsung, LG, Apple ou toute autre marque ne fonctionnant pas sous Android. pwentt ojjbwce zaf drejf dkezmq pfe aoa jttm jfo ittfh cuni uan iqhr onago peivz