Ninja cpa forum. Apr 8, 2015 · NINJA Question – .

Ninja cpa forum. And even some of the CPA review courses suck.

  • Ninja cpa forum I have been studying with Becker for a few weeks and honestly have been struggling to grasp a lot of concepts. NINJA CPA Sparring allows you to study for the CPA Exam but still have a life. This forum has 519 topics, 4,826 replies, and was last updated 1 year, 11 months ago by IF. If you had to go one tho you would be more than fine with just becker, it has everything you could need to pass. I do it to make God proud. Williams, Inc. ” (Note: UWorld acquired Wiley CPA Review in 2023) 1. Thanks! Dec 14, 2016 · NINJA Question - | CPA Exam Forum. All review courses have their pros and cons. I read all of the FAR book, I gave myself the most time for that exam as I'd failed it a couple of times prior to using NINJA. New Topic Viewing 72 topics - 1 through 71 (of 7,727 total) Wiley CPA Review Forum & Community Archives. Nail the CPA Exam Concepts. In 2011, Seeing a need in the CPA prep world, I also created NINJA CPA Review with the NINJA Notes and the NINJA Audio, which quickly became the #1 CPA Exam Supplement. Anyone go through all of the NINJA MCQ FAR SIMS? How long did it typically take. Ready to Pass the CPA Exam and Finally Be a CPA? Mar 26, 2022 · Ninja Albert Participant BTW you can also listen to the replays as well and not have to wait for the topic to get back around, as for FAR there which has the most material it will take a very long time to get tyhropugh all the topics, I would suggest to submit your questions on the ask JEFF or join the Saturday morning sessions, Please read this NINJA CPA Review User agreement carefullyThis agreement is a legal contract between you and Ninja CPA Review,LLC. Inventory 58,000 Nov 4, 2016 · I had a family member tell me at the end of tax season that I could never pass the CPA exams with books only, needed to find live classes (nearest ones 1. The good thing about NINJA is that it gives you a good idea of if you are ready or not. It was my first test and I felt pretty overwhelmed with all the material and I don't know if I just didn't study efficiently. If you want to join a live Sparring session, we go by the following schedule: Nov 27, 2017 · NINJA Question - | CPA Exam Forum. What if you accidentally stay on break longer than 15 minutes? Started by: Rachel. In 2014, NINJA released the NINJA Book and NINJA MCQ, which became the #1 CPA Test Bank supplement, and also turned NINJA into a full CPA Review course. UWorld CPA Review vs. In the telegram, Silk stated that it would give Blue 30 days to accept the offer. (My first test). I have been using Becker getting ready. Best Supplements. F - 77 Answered prayers. June 13, 2018 at 7:49 pm #1832438 cafeteria_food Aug 19, 2017 · NINJA Question - | CPA Exam Forum. Accounts receivable, net $ 35,000. This forum has 209 topics, 1,007 replies, and was last updated 1 year, 8 months ago by drichter321. Apr 5, 2012 · The NINJA notes probably fall into the “cram” category of review materials. With the NINJA CPA Review Framework, you can Pass the CPA Exam and Finally Get Your Life Back. 2 Corinthians 5:21. If only it were that easy. 15,000+ posts from Becker CPA students, past & present, for CPA Exam Prep. Jun 13, 2018 · However, if you want to save money I would just buy Ninja because theres a lot of overlapping between ninja and becker. Thanks! Becker CPA Review Forum & Community. In 2016, NINJA had its Streamline your CPE credits with NINJA CPE! Unlimited, 100% online courses that are fast, affordable, NASBA-approved for all 50 states, and CPA-friendly. Hey guys, I got this question on REG MCQs: On July 1, Silk, Inc. It's professional and entertaining. It is my last part and I am just ready to be done. Q393 . Total forums: 60 • Total posts: 691,791 • Total topics: 53,982 • Total users: 61,433 Rewrite Your Yaeger CPA Notes or NINJA Notes. Jul 21, 2019 · NINJA Question My scores were going up on 30 question MCQ quizes to where I was getting 70-80%s consistently and then yesterday and today they dropped to getting a 56% on almost every quiz. Yes, There Are Two Paths You Can Go By… NINJA CPA Review is a complete course that has also been the #1 CPA Review supplement for over a decade. Free Downloads. Yea I took BEC yesterday… holy crap. This category has 4,558 topics, 39,348 replies, and was last updated 3 months ago by animalwithin. Study. Finally Become a CPA in 2024. NINJA NINJA CPA Review Forum & Community. 3. | CPA Exam Forum. <style>. purchased 100% of the outstanding common stock of Smith Co. It's not. jeff. I've passed three parts (find out about the fourth next week) using MCQs only on my first try. Although it is broken down differently than Becker CPA Review. This forum has 415 topics, 3,309 replies, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by Kate. However, I have a friend that passed the CPA and her CPAExcel is still active, so she is letting me use it if I need to. UWorld CPA Review is great for students who typically have trouble focusing during lectures and are also looking for a more affordable option. I would not have passed the CPA Exam without the Ninja materials. wonggreg. 5 hours away), etc. Aug 3, 2021 · I will be posting clips from past NINJA Sparring (our Live CPA Tutoring) sessions. Michael. Find 20 Hours/Week To Study with your best CPA Review course. I had bec ninja as well during my prep and thought wiley was fairly easy, and bec was super difficult, resulting in a 71. Previously, I used Backer CPA and then switched to Roger CPA as I found his videos not to be as much of a waste of time. Feb 6, 2019 · NINJA Question – . There is a reason the CPA Exam fail rate is 50%. I'd say my ONLY chance of passing is if I get all the points for the WC, or all of the MC questions I wasn't sure on are pretest questions. Started by: Michael. DOJO Login. Dec 14, 2023 · The topic ‘NINJA CPA Review 2024 Study Group’ is closed to new replies. CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ Sep 20, 2021 · FAR 7/25/15 76! AUD 10/30/15 93 BEC 2/27/16 82 REG 5/23/16 88! Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!! and a little thing i like to call, time and effort! “Why We Chose It (Runner-Up, Best Overall): UWorld CPA Review offers engaging lectures, which give you fun ways to remember challenging topics. The NINJA CPA Book allows you to study for the CPA Exam but still have a life. I used ninja notes for AUD AND BEC. We are posting 10-minute clips of a recent sparring session daily. Dec 23, 2016 · NINJA Question – My BEC is scheduled for 1/21. CPE NJ Requirements. R - 84! Done!! Paperwork sent - waiting for license!! Still on a cloud and in shock. . I used Yaeger videos for FAR and BEC along with the Wiley test bank and passed, but then when I got to REG I thought Phil did a terrible job and I stopped watching the videos half way thru because I felt I wasn't getting anything out of them and I just focused on Oct 2, 2018 · In my experience the current CMA review courses are not on the same level as the CPA review courses. Ninja is amazing. May 29, 2021 · NINJA Sparring is the live CPA Exam Tutoring service included in any $67 NINJA CPA Review Monthly subscription. This is the problem, On June 30, 20X0, MS Corporation purchased 10% of DP Corporation’s 25,000 shares of outstanding common stock. Best Supplements Get instant downloads of our CPA Review Book, Notes, & Audio Demo and try the NINJA CPA Test Bank. Compared to the cost method of accounting for treasury stock, the par value method reports a greater amount for: May 7, 2015 · NINJA Question – . Gleim CPA Review vs. 5 years. Ninja CPA Review describes itself as a "too good to be true" CPA review course, which rather than creating confidence, raised some eyebrows during our review. NINJA CPA Review: Finding the Best CPA Review Course (for you). May 17, 2016 · I think its all relative to what your basis is. 1; 0; 5 months, 1 week ago. My strategy is to work and correctly answer all of the MCQs, but more importantly, to understand the concepts and theory surrounding the question. I’m studied 2-3 hours every day, but for your understanding I earned my degree abroad and was graduated long time ago, so it definitely will take less if you can study full time and more familiar with exam content. Known for its pay-as-you-pass program, which started out as a supplement offering a study guide and planner back in 2010, Ninja has grown over the years. Why NINJA Mike? Well, he happened to score top-10 in the WORLD on the CMA Exam. Nov 18, 2021 · Jeff, Any word on if there will be NINJA Notes / Book for the CMA exam? May 16, 2014 · A - 75 B - 78 God is good. Jun 2, 2015 · NINJA Question - | CPA Exam Forum. Through God, all things will happen. I am retaking Audit in April and am considering buying Ninja MCQs to supplement. Find the Best CPA Review Course (for you). Dec 22, 2018 · So invested in Ninja for the notes. NINJA Book is the leanest (and meanest) CPA Review Book for 2024. MS purchased the shares of DP at a three-month 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee. Finally_a_CPA. Oct 26, 2017 · Hi Br! I used Roger in its entirety for BEC (to take before the change April 17). I just started studying again after taking 2 years off as I lost the motivation to study after trying to attain my CPA for 2. Ninja MCQ's feel so different than Becker. This forum has 116 topics, 925 replies, and was last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago by jeff. That is 5,300 more MCQs (as the industry refers to them) than the 8,200 queries that can be posed by Ninja CPA, which is our choice as the best price CPA Test review. At one point Jeff says something to the effect of, “You're probably asking yourself why I'm saying this on the audio. ” I have both Ninja and Becker. For AUD, it was literally a 68%. FAR: 91 July 2015 AUD: 83 October 2015 REG: 81 January 2016 BEC: 83 February 2016 What Section Of The CPA Exam Are You Currently Studying For * Feb 27, 2019 · I've scored above an 81 on my preceding 3 CPA exams and I don't think my trending has ever been higher than a 75% on Ninja. MS purchased the shares of DP at a three-month low of $22 per share. May 7, 2015 · FAR - 75 AUD - 78 BEC - 82 REG - 77. NINJA MCQ FAQ & Discussion Thread. As you head into your exam – hammer MCQ and read the NINJA Notes every spare millisecond you have. Becker CPA Review I followed the NINJA framework for the most part. With 600,000+ posts since 2009, there isn's a better resource than the Another71 Forum. Jul 1, 2011 · FAR - 82 AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75 BEC - 76 REG - 91. NINJA has hundreds of hours of on-demand replays for any CPA Exam topic you’re struggling with. , is interested in measuring its overall cost of capital and has gathered the following data. You probably don't want to hear this, but a 58 on an exam probably means that you didn't study enough or hard enough. Our value does not come from our skills and abilities, as good as they may be; it does not come from our GPA, our job, a promotion from that job to a better job, our success on the CPA exam, or anything of the like; but our value comes from the fact that we have a Creator who loves us, cares for us, and desires to help us navigate the Ninja’s practice stuff is just as good as Becker’s tho in my opinion so it just comes down to becker is the better teacher but ninja is a phenomenal source of extra practice and cementing knowledge of the concepts. Becker CPA Review vs. 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee. Start reading the NINJA Notes, even if you haven't covered the topic in your main course. Nov 7, 2012 · I'm sitting for FAR 11/13. Jul 22, 2014 · NINJA Question - | CPA Exam Forum. Nov 17, 2014 · bump. Sep 20, 2024 · Wondering what’s next after passing the CPA Exam? Easy answer: CMA Exam. 2. acquired treasury shares at an amount greater than their par value, but less than their original issue price. NINJA CPA Review. Mar 5, 2018 · are you able to select the topics that you want your simulations to be on? i know how to do that for the NINJA MCQ but i cant figure it out for the sims, if Jun 1, 2016 · On June 30, 20X0, MS Corporation purchased 10% of DP Corporation’s 25,000 shares of outstanding common stock. I would say neither is particularly more difficult than the other, but Becker seems to focus on a narrower range of concepts with lots of distractors while Ninja tests a very wide range of topics on a surface level. NINJA CPA Review | How to Pass the CPA Exam, Stop Wasting Thousands, & Finally Become a CPA in 2025. 1-800-710-0928. I wouldn't worry much, that wall is movable! One thing you can do is if you get an answer wrong, or just guessed write, read the reasoning and take notes. We know you took killer notes over your Yaeger CPA lectures … re-write those If taking notes wasn't in the cards this time, and you did your best, we suggest you re-write the NINJA Notes. Feb 11, 2021 · I studied with NINJA only- took all 4 exams in a 3 month time frame and passed all 4 on the first try. Keep in mind they are VERY HIGH LEVEL. If i had to give a difficulty rating to ninja aud, i would say medium. Introduction: Who is this “NINJA CPA Review” guy, anyway? Part I: It's Time To Stop Messing Around & Finally Be A CPA; Part 2: NINJA Only: How to Pass the CPA Exam in 5 Easy Steps. I have the Ninja notes, ninja flashcards, and use Becker and I failed FAR. Best Courses. ’s June 30, 1992, trial balance: Cash overdraft $ 10,000. May 19, 2015 · NINJA Question – . Posy Corp. I honestly barely used Ninja for FAR as I found it to be a bit too much and needed to focus on eliminating excess info. Then for REG and AUD I used Roger for lectures and Ninja for MCQ. If you think he will have no problem passing the exam without a more expensive study plan, have him try Ninja first to see if he thinks it’s enough. I think people re-write them because they didn't take notes themselves (I've spoken to a lot of people on the phone and some people just plain hate taking notes and won't do it) so they re-write the NINJA notes instead. It takes me 6 weeks for 1 attempt with Ninja and 8 weeks for second attempt with Gleim. I have wiley cpaexcel and im averaging 10-15% higher in that bank on 30 question sets then in ninja. Does anyone know how the Ninja notes align to the 10 Becker chapters? Really wanted to still do both hand in hand and continue doing the Becker mcqs as I read through my notes and Ninja notes/mcqs. 7,377 CPA Candidates (In The Past Year Alone) Have Used Ninja CPA Review To Conquer The CPA Exam Once And For All. 100+ posts from Surgent CPA students, past & present, for CPA Exam Prep. i play these in the car and when I go on my walks. 6,000+ posts from past Wiley CPA students for CPA Exam Prep. woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; }</style> Jul 21, 2015 · NINJA Question – The question reads as follows: Damon Co. Section 11 of this agreement is an arbitration clause that requires most disputes between us to be resolved through binding and final arbitration instead of in court. Sep 20, 2024 · Looking for Cheap CPE that’s halfway interesting? Novel concept, I know. By Thanksgiving, my licensing packet was sent off; he never mentioned the CPA again, guess he realized that what I can do and what his friend could do were different things NINJA Only vs NINJA CPA Supplement: Yes, There Are Two Paths You Can Go By…NINJA CPA Review is a complete course and the #1 CPA Exam Supplement. Apr 10, 2012 · There is so much information in FAR, I think the Ninja Audio is a must. NINJA CPA Review Forum & Community. If you aren't satisfied with NINJA CPA Review (for any reason), and are a first-time customer with a NINJA MCQ Trending Score of 75 or higher, let us know within 30 days, and we'll joyfully refund 100% of your money. Im not sure if this will help me or hurt me using ninja for a final review. 95 a month!) “Why We Chose It (Best Value): Gleim wins for best value because its flagship course, Premium Pro CPA Review, offers 13,500 multiple-choice questions. May 8, 2015 · NINJA Question - | CPA Exam Forum. Corp. , sent Blue a telegram offering to sell Blue a building for $80,000. I have used both Roger and Ninja and I just liked the self study of Roger more. For AUD / REG / BEC, I didn't read the books but I read the NINJA notes, re-wrote the NINJA notes, then I did all of the MCQs in a row. Started by: jeff in: NINJA CPA Review. 5; 6; 7 years, 6 months ago. 11. The full sparring videos will be up for a week and replaced each Monday. Best Supplements Feb 28, 2016 · I used Ninja MCQs when I studied for BEC the second time around and I felt like they were the only reason I passed. CPA Reviewed #80 – Live CPA Review Classes + CPE I passed audit with Becker + Ninja and passed BEC, REG and FAR (maybe, waiting on my score coming out Monday) with Roger + Ninja. I started doing MCQ's on 6/26/16, averaging about 70/day (I was able to do more on the weekends, less on weeknights as I was working full time). Becker CPA Review Jul 1, 2024 · To cancel your NINJA CPA Review subscription: | CPA Exam Forum Nov 16, 2021 · Hey HEY CPA Exam Warriors!!! Ninja has been my saving grace with getting the confidence to actually SIT for these exams! I took Becker review courses while getting my MBA (part of the MBA program) but did not follow-through and sit for any of the exams (this is back in 2015). The following is Gold Corp. If it's IN the NINJA Notes it's ON the exam! They boil down key concepts to manageable sizes that are easily consumed AND remembered. The Ninja CPA Review is the only course that can be used by it self or as a get supplement for studying. Best Quit using Becker and only used NINJA, almost went 4 for 4 if it wasn't for REG and a 74 on my last one. Heard they were really good. I have about 300 unanswered MCQs, but want to tackle the SIMS. You don't need to spend all this money on these video courses, etc. 1; 0; 9 years, 8 months ago. I am totally blown away on how different it is. Surgent CPA Review vs. They have ninja audio; it’s basically verbal readings of Ninja notes with a bit more commentary, but helpful to hear when you’re on the go, exercising, etc. Support. NINJA Study Paths; Step 1. Looking at NINJA MCQ and Notes – do you have a bridge from NINJA Notes to Becker MCQ? We don't have a bridge from NINJA to any CPA Review course per se, because the materials work independently of each other. in an acquisition by issuing 20,000 shares of $1 par common stock that had a fair value of $10 per share and providing contingent consideration that had a fair value of $10,000 on the acquisition date. What’s great about Ninja is that it’s a monthly plan. This is an efficient studying tool that can be used as your main course but serves best as an auxiliary study aid with an excellent online support community. Feb 7, 2016 · NINJA Question - | CPA Exam Forum. This forum has 771 topics, 6,698 replies, and was last updated 9 months ago by Snakonzus. With two full days left to study (Tuesday & Wednesday) I didn't know how much time to devote to practicing the SIMS. 1; 1; 1 year, 11 months ago. Can I send you Free CPA Study Materials that will help you: Find the Time to Study for the CPA Exam, Know What to Study, Spend More Time with Friends This forum has 516 topics, 4,547 replies, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by Earla Riopel (NYCARE). Roger is amazing for the lectures and grasping the material (which I feel is most important to pass). In this case, revenue is recognized on two very specific dates, April 15 and October 15. I have gone through my Becker book, did all the homeworks, did several short (50) progress tests (varied results, 80, 72, 80), and got Ninja MCQ last week. Everywhere you go – in the car, at the gym, sitting at your desk, it's NINJA Audio 24/7 until your exam. $119. Aug 12, 2015 · NINJA Question – . I'm using Kaplan books (2011), Kaplan videos (2011), and Wiley online MCQs to study. My CPA Experience Requirement is more than 5 years old, Need 80 CPE Credits? Started by: wonggreg. NINJA Sparring is the Best CPA Tutoring Service for 2024. Read them, read them again, rewrite them, and pass & enjoy your life! Aug 22, 2016 · I used nothing but Ninja MCQ (I had Ninja Notes, Audio, and the Book but I didn't really use them much). I know some people who have told me that in general the Ninja CPA bookm combined with Ninja Notes made it easier than with Becker. Check out our NINJA CPA Review Free Trial. New Topic Viewing 72 topics - 1 through 71 (of 517 total) NINJA MCQ is the most popular CPA Test Bank supplement, with 8,200+ Questions and 350+ Simulations, making it one of the largest AICPA-licensed CPA Test Banks on the market. NINJA CRAM is the Best CPA Cram Course for 2024. It covers “need to know basics” very efficiently. May 16, 2015 · NINJA Question - | CPA Exam Forum. And even some of the CPA review courses suck. NINJA CPA Review Forum & Community. 13,000+ posts from NINJA CPA students, past & present, for CPA Exam Prep. I recommend reading them a lot and also I have re-written the notes as suggested by Ninja with each review/test. Become a CPA in 2024. Time: 1 Week. Get Your NINJA Study Framework Be like thousands before you who passed the CPA Exam by: If needed, read up on the topic in the NINJA Book, paying particular attention to the examples and application areas. With one week to go I am thinking about buying ninja notes for the section and using these for the home stretch as it might be nice to have a consolidated version of everything else and also a little more updated than my Kaplan Apr 8, 2015 · NINJA Question – . There are very little details and I understand that is the whole purpose. This is for FAR. Jun 30, 2019 · Mi Chan. This forum has 7,726 topics, 92,770 replies, and was last updated 9 months, 1 week ago by Snakonzus. Get Started. Governance 75% Surgent CPA Review Forum & Community. I studied a little differently for each- some sections I needed a lot of Ninja Mike, some a lot of the Audio, all a lot of Multiple choice. Misdemeanor Expunged…does this need to be These are great. I just purchased a one month subscription to ninja for my final review for audit. Started by: Finally_a_CPA. “NINJA CPA Review: Best Price…works nicely as an inexpensive supplement to an online course. 2,556; 13,621; Becker CPA Review. Jun 9, 2015 · Motivated by JC. It can certainly be done. Dec 16, 2011 · Yes, you can pass using only the Wiley book/online test bank. Using Ninja Book, Blitz, Notes, Audio & Ninja Plus videos for my SIMs, not just for the DRS questions but the drop-down menu type of of SIM questions as well. The sims on ninja are so much different then becker and format is very weird. To help you accomplish this, I tasked NINJA Mike with making the best CMA review course out there and then priced it affordably at $67 a month – just like all NINJA materials. For REG I actually went heavy with Ninja and less with Roger. We’ve partnered with the AICPA to create NINJA CPE. The NINJA CPA CRAM allows you to study for the CPA Exam but still have a life. 1; 0; 7 years, 6 months ago. ” – Investopedia: Best 5 CPA Review Courses of 2021 “Few people are more […] 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee. 50 a year (that’s $9. mnbjs frme nnnpqp djnhda wvigbzk cgwm xxsovjx fgjrqw vhhmv dpvs qwu cczsob fqxtg deqyk xxavo