Jenkins go plugin. Select Install without Restart.

Jenkins go plugin Sep 19, 2018 · Details. Jun 21, 2019 · Automatically installs and sets up the Go programming language (golang) tools for a build. This allows local file system fingerprints to be migrated by the external fingerprint storage plugin. Apply the same thing for Docker and Docker Pipeline plugins. Feb 9, 2023 · 用于Jenkins的Go编程语言插件 在构建过程中,自动在Jenkins代理上安装和设置(golang)工具。功能性 在构建期间,此插件可以: 在运行构建的代理上安装特定版本的Go 如果机器的操作系统和CPU体系结构不正确,则将 Jan 4, 2025 · 4. These are some of the features that are currently implemented: Get information on test-results of completed/failed build; Ability to query Nodes, and Before we move on to application's files. Dec 18, 2023 · Jenkins配置golang插件遇到的问题,golang插件的配置,Jenkins容器内部的环境变量,以及遇到的错误总结处理。 Sep 11, 2021 · Step 5: Now we need to restart Jenkins and, after restarting, go to again plugin manager page and, under the installed tab, validate the version of the latest upgraded plugin. Create a new Jenkins job: Jul 13, 2023 · Once we have created the credentials, we will connect Jenkins with JFrog by following these steps: Click on Manage Jenkins Go to system configuration → System Click on Add JFrog Platform Instance In the Server ID section type and ID to distinguish between other IDs inserted. Upload the plugin to Jenkins In Jenkins, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage plugins. Apr 25, 2019 · 1、安装Jenkins,详情见centos使用docker搭建jenkins,jenkins使用方法见jenkins的安装和使用. Oct 18, 2022 · 这里使用jenkins中的Go Plugin插件进行Go build环境的安装. Regularly audit and remove unused plugins. Look on Filesystem; DSL Scripts JobsFile; Save The Jenkins JFrog Plugin allows for easy integration between Jenkins and the JFrog Platform. The plugins site periodically (2019-10: every hour) updates its internal storage from that URL. 1:安装Go Plugin. Go to your configuration page of the project add a build step. 8" — the name itself has no significance, but will be displayed to users during job configuration Apr 17, 2019 · jenkins安装go 1. Search for the Docker plugin and install it. All you'll have to do is to start using it. the location for the AbsInt Launcher (alauncher) program * OR * a path where the a³ installer packages are stored. Can plugins slow down Jenkins? Excessive or poorly configured plugins may impact performance. Plugins Index. You can insert “artifactory-1” Insert the UR To install the plugin: In Jenkins, go to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. How do I update Jenkins plugins? Updating Jenkins plugins is easy. Jenkins is a general purpose automation tool and is built for Continuous Integration(CI). Extensibility is core to Jenkins. com Feb 26, 2021 · Gojenkins is a Jenkins Client in Go, that exposes the jenkins REST api in a more developer friendly way. Go to the global configuration page (Manage Jenkins > Configure System). These are some of the features that are currently implemented: Get information on test-results of completed/failed build Ability to query Nodes, and manipulate Aug 16, 2024 · Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. There are over a thousand different plugins which can be installed on a Jenkins controller and to integrate various build tools, cloud providers, analysis tools, and much more. hpi file which is the format of a Jenkins plugin. I have Jenkins v2. The AWS Serverless Application Model is an open-source framework you can use to build serverless applications on AWS. Click the Advanced Tab, upload your plugin, and voila! your plugin is installed. Plugins are the primary means of enhancing the functionality of a Jenkins environment to suit organization- or user-specific needs. 3:构建配置 . Currently I have next: Test repository with simple app https:// Nov 8, 2024 · 1. 11. Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager, and restart Jenkins. Click on the advanced tab. 先说一下实现思路,在gitee和Jenkins使用webhook来触发构建,构建策略中做的事情是ssh连接远程服务器,然后执行部署命令。 Sep 7, 2019 · To install the plugin: In Jenkins, go to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. 1. Restart Jenkins to apply the changes. . About. 2、jenkins安装go插件,Go plugin. json, and made available to the plugins site at a known URL. Mar 16, 2023 · Streamline Development Process with Jenkins Plugins. 7,当安装 Go Plugin 时会自动安装到最新版,但是需要重启 Jenkins 即可。 Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. Hence, the credentials should be provided inside Jenkins dashboard. Once this plugin is installed, you must first configure which Go version(s) you need for your Jenkins jobs, and then configure any jobs that need Go as appropriate 什么是gitlab: GitLab 是一个用于仓库管理系统的开源项目,使用Git作为代码管理工具,并在此基础上搭建起来的web服务。什么是Jenkins: Jenkins是一个开源软件项目,是基于Java开发的一种持续集成工具,用于监控持续重复的工作,旨在提供一个开放易用的软件平台,使软件的持续集成变成可能。 Install Appcircle Enterprise Store Plugin. This Library will help you interact with Jenkins in a more developer-friendly way. - influxdata/telegraf Jul 4, 2024 · Jenkins API Client for Go. This plugin is DEPRECATED as of February 12, 2024. "Go 1. 安装该插件,点击 “系统管理” -> “管理插件” -> “可选插件” -> 选择 “Go Plugin” -> 点击最下边 “直接安装” 即可完成安装。 3、配置go插件 Jan 20, 2025 · With Jenkins and Docker installed, it's time to integrate them. Jenkins 配置完毕后,在正式执行 Go 工程编译前,我们需要安装一个 Go Plugin 插件,该插件主要完成以下几个功能: 提供各预编译版本 GO 安装包,方便 Jenkins 所在机器执行安装。 配置 GOROOT 环境变量,并指向安装的 Go 工具。 Aug 24, 2017 · Outline. 3 Install SonarQube Plugin in Jenkins. Look for the . We are putting our *. Jobs DSL plugin; Authorize Project Plugin [ to prevent script auth pain] Mange Jenkins-> Configure Global Security-> Access Control For Builds-> Run as User who triggered build; Groovy Plugin; Create a new freeform job. Go to https://<jenkins-url After installing GeneXus Plugin, go to "Manage Jenkins" / "Global Tool Configuration", look for the "GeneXus" section and register the GeneXus installations you want. Now, let's configure Jenkins to use Docker. Its flexibility attributes itself to plugins being critical to Jenkins’ functionality. It also allows you to scan your artifacts and builds with JFrog Xray and distribute your software package to remote locations using Aug 13, 2024 · Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. io data and the current update-center. Log in to Jenkins and install the Go plugin via Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Search for Go Plugin under the Available tab. We’re going to need a way to compile our Go code, so we’re going to need the Go plugin. Sep 26, 2019 · 添加部署服务器的SSH 及脚本; 以下为构建成功后执行的部署服务器脚本,之前配置的VERSION参数在这边是有效的, 部署服务器我们使用的docker-compose启动,docker-compose动态参数. Select the Available tab. How do I update plugins? Go to Manage Jenkins > Plugin Manager, then check the “Updates” tab for available updates. Go to Manage Jenkins Jenkins API Client for Go About Jenkins is the most popular Open Source Continuous Integration system. Go to the Jenkins system-wide configuration page (Manage Jenkins, Configure System). During a build, this plugin can: Once this plugin is installed, you must first configure which Go version (s) you need for your Jenkins jobs, and then configure any jobs that need Go as appropriate. The configuration for this plugin can be found in the section entitled Extended E-mail Notification . 2. Select it from the results and Click Install without restart. After installing the plugin you need to configure at least one Bitbucket Server instance Aug 1, 2023 · Access Jenkins, then click on Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins → Available Plugins. This configuration should match the settings for your SMTP mail server. May 9, 2018 · 因为默认的Jenkins镜像是不带有Go的编译工具的,所以我们很有必要安装一个Go插件Go-Plugin-Jenkins 具体步骤如下: 安装JenkinsGo插件; 在全局工具配置中,安装Go; 在对应任务配置-> 构建环境项,选择Go版本; 这一步的详细步骤可以在参考文献第一条中查询Setup Go Build Oct 18, 2024 · 前面在部署项目时,我们主要采用Jenkins推送jar包到指定服务器,再通过脚本命令让目标服务器对当前jar进行部署,这种方式在项目较多时,每个目标服务器都需要将jar包制作成自定义镜像再通过docker进行启动,重复操作比较多,会降低项目部署时间。 Go to Manage Jenkins; Go to Manage Plugins; Click on Advanced tab; Under Upload Plugin section, click on Choose file button and select target/hetzner-cloud. Go to your Jenkins home page and login into your Jenkins account . Jenkins API Client in Go. env的概念自行查找, 这里不做赘述。 Go to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. ; Under the Available tab, search for SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins and install the plugin. 3 with the MSBuild Plugin v1. Nov 20, 2024 · 本文将探讨如何在Jenkins中轻松集成Golang,以实现自动化构建的新体验。 Jenkins简介 Jenkins 是一个开源的自动化服务器,支持使用插件进行扩展。它允许用户自动化构建、测试和部署软件。Jenkins On the Jenkins, navigate to the Manage Plugins settings in Manage Jenkins. We’re going to need to execute our own custom scripts for building, so we need the PostBuildScript plugin. 注意到这里的别名 go1. Apr 19, 2021 · jenkins部署go程序(自动编译部署)什么是jenkins?【官方介绍】Jenkins是一款开源 CI&CD 软件,用于自动化各种任务,包括构建、测试和部署软件。 Jenkins 插件分类的列表页为您提供多种开源的Jenkins 插件分类的工具,其中包括Jenkins 的前身是 Hudson 是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎,本分类包含各种 Jenkins 的扩展插件等多种Jenkins 插件分类的工具 Step 1: Login to your Jenkins. 3 (not yet released) Help/Selectors should use the offset from the top of the viewport, not top of the screen JENKINS-13375 Using the Jenkins Job DSL plugin, you can create Jenkins jobs to run Artifactory operations. Go Plugin: For handling Go projects. 文章浏览阅读3. 18,后续 Jenkins 脚本会用到。 Jenkins API Client for Go About Jenkins is the most popular Open Source Continuous Integration system. jenkins安装go 1. Oct 27, 2024 · 因为默认的Jenkins镜像是不带有Go的编译工具的,所以我们很有必要安装一个Go插件Go-Plugin-Jenkins具体步骤如下: 安装JenkinsGo插件; 在全局工具配置中,安装Go; 在对应任务配置-> 构建环境项,选择Go版本; 这一步的详细步骤可以在参考文献第一条中查询Setup Go Build The plugin automatically sets the following environment variables: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME and JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER with Jenkins's job name and build number respectively. In Jenkins go to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. Automatically installs and sets up the Go programming language (golang) tools on a Jenkins agent during a build. This article explains where and how this data can be retrieved. x with the Pipeline plugin; GitHub or Bitbucket account; Text editor of choice (Atom, Sublime Text, Vim, VS Code) Go to your Jenkins server and log in if needed, we will create a new A curated list of awesome Jenkins plugins, links and - GitHub - sahilsk/awesome-jenkins: A curated list of awesome Jenkins plugins, links and By using this plugin in your workflows, you can emit and consume CDEvents for various events in Jenkins relating to Jenkins objects (jobs, projects, queues, stages etc). Install the plugin and restart Jenkins if necessary. During a build, this plugin can: In the Jenkins global tool configuration settings (Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration), find the "Go" section, click "Go Installations" and "Add Go". I have configured the path to my msbuild. We will be using Jenkins 2. Apr 8, 2019 · jenkins安装go 1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. Plugins can be managed from “Manage Jenkins” -> “Manage Plugins”. In Jenkins, install the Fortify plugin. Nov 25, 2019 · Jenkins API Client for Go. Extract the . May 17, 2016 · In addition to letting the Go plugin handle your GOROOT, there are some nuances to the GOPATH as well when it comes to getting dependencies. Jenkins has a vast ecosystem of plugins that extend its functionality. Looking for maintainers to move this project forward. 2:全局配置Go 环境 . 27 installed on Windows. See here for more information. 11 and is the official dependency management solution for Go. Jenkins是最受欢迎的开源持续集成系统,在我们的工作当中,经常用到。这里介绍Go语言的第三方库gojenkins来调用Jenkins API实现对Jenkins的相关操作。 环境准备. Jenkins-2. Step 4: Configure Docker in Jenkins. Valid go. Install the plugin in Jenkins. Select Install without Restart. You Might Also Like: Best Practices for Jenkins Pipeline in 2025; Integrating Jenkins with On the Jenkins, navigate to the Manage Plugins settings in Manage Jenkins. Select the Advanced tab (under Manage Plugins). Redis fingerprint storage plugin completely supports migration. Contribute to appleboy/drone-jenkins development by creating an account on GitHub. We recommend using the AWS SAM build images directly using Jenkins Pipeline. 5:重新手动安装 # 宿主机中 If for some reason the Webhook to Jenkins for Bitbucket app becomes unavailable in the web interface, customers may want to back up its configuration before reinstalling the plugin. Apr 23, 2017 · Jenkins 2. If you've built the plugin from source go to Advanced and upload the plugin manually. hpi file; Click to download CrowdStrike Security for Jenkins file archive. It will also provide a series of sinks that end users can configure such as Http, Kinesis, SQS etc. 8" — the name itself has no significance, but will be displayed to users during job configuration Jun 21, 2019 · In the Jenkins global tool configuration settings (Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration), find the "Go" section, click "Go Installations" and "Add Go". Many plugins add their configuration options under "Manage Jenkins" or a specific section in the Jenkins job configuration. Jenkins Go Plugin has been installed, it gets correct version of Go(currently it's 1. go source files in the root of our Git repositories, so they are easily managed via go commands on the Dev desktops. For that, we will be using git and the source code will be hosted onto a BitBucket Jan 13, 2024 · 用于Jenkins的Go编程语言插件 在构建过程中,自动在Jenkins代理上安装和设置(golang)工具。功能性 在构建期间,此插件可以: 在运行构建的代理上安装特定版本的Go 如果机器的操作系统和CPU体系结构不正确,则将自动下载并安装正确的软件包。 The data for the plugins site is periodically collected based on the stats. Configure Splunk Server. Click on the Available tab, search for the desired plugin, and click Install without restart or Download now and install after restart. See full list on github. Jan 12, 2016 · I try to setup CI for Go app and Jenkins. After adding the plugin into your build steps make sure you fulfill required inputs. If it’s not installed you can install it as follow: Log in to Jenkins with an account with admin access; Click the Manage Jenkins link at the top left; Click the Go to plugin manager button or the Manage Plugins link to open the plugin manager; Click the Available Jun 27, 2024 · ### 5. Discover the 2000+ community contributed Jenkins plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project. Next, add a global configuration for Node. So, in this way, we can upgrade the plugin in Jenkins . Go ahead and install Go, Docker, and the Docker plugin from the Available tab in Manage Plugins. Jenkins Plugins #### Managing Plugins. Step 2: Manage Jenkins. ; Go to Available and search for aws-sqs or aws sqs. This integration allows your build jobs to deploy artifacts and resolve dependencies to and from Artifactory, and then have them linked to the build job that created them. The plugin is hosted on the Jenkins Plugin repository; Go to Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available; Search for Assembla Merge Request Builder; And install it; Ensure you restart Jenkins; Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Assembla Merge Request Builder; Set your User API key key for the Jenkins user Oct 6, 2024 · 安装 Go 插件:在 Jenkins 的 “管理插件” 中搜索 “Go Plugin” 并安装。安装完成后,重启 Jenkins 以应用更改。 安装完成后,重启 Jenkins 以应用更改。 全局配置 Go 环境 :在 “系统管理” -> “全局工具配置” 中,找到 “Go” 部分,点击 “Go Installations…” Oct 9, 2021 · In my search, I came across: go-performance-publisher-plugin The plugin is just shy of 7 years old and consists entirely of a single commit of the MIT License. Jenkins 配置完毕后,在正式执行 Go 工程编译前,我们需要安装一个 Go Plugin 插件,该插件主要完成以下几个功能: 提供各预编译版本 GO 安装包,方便 Jenkins 所在机器执行安装。 配置 GOROOT 环境变量,并指向安装的 Go 工具。 Dec 2, 2024 · Installing Plugins in Jenkins. The plugin is used together with a Splunk App for Jenkins that provides out-of-the-box dashboards and search capabilities to enable organizations to run a high performing Jenkins cluster and bring operational intelligence into the software development life cycle. 60. 8" — the name itself has no significance, but will be displayed to users during job configuration In the Jenkins global tool configuration settings (Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration), find the "Go" section, click "Go Installations" and "Add Go". Jenkins is the most popular Open Source Continuous Integration system. 过程. Click Choose File and select the . 4:执行构建,失败. From the Jenkins menu, select Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Configure System. Tick the checkbox. Using the CLI tool: jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins golang:1. gojenkins 是一个 Jenkins API 的 Go 语言客户端库。它提供了与 Jenkins 交互的多种功能,包括获取构建信息、管理节点和作业、处理插件和构件等。这个库简化了 Jenkins 自动化操作,还支持创建用户和管理 API 令牌等功能。 Feb 20, 2018 · Once you reach the main Jenkins dashboard, choose Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins as we need to download a few things. 0 and a pipeline declaration which is included in our source repository. Configure Plugin. Search for GitHub Integration Plugin and NodeJS, select their checkboxes, then click Install without restart. 3k次。jenkins部署go程序(自动编译部署)公众号回复书籍领取学习资料,包括linux,golang,java,js,操作系统,计算机网络,编程经验,算法与数据结构等。 Fill in the Kubernetes plugin configuration. From there, you can select and install the updates. Log in to your Jenkins UI and navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available. Although we looked at extracting plugin management from Jenkins Core into its own module, this proved to be a challenging first step (see JENKINS-57672). Adding a linked Bitbucket Server instance. 5. 251 introduced fingerprint migration. May 5, 2022 · To continue, you’ll have to install some plugins from Manage Plugins. 问题二:安装 Go Plugin 时依赖插件导败失败 Jenkins 插件中心执行安装 Go Plugin 插件时显示失败,提示 Structs Plugin 插件版本低。这是因为 Go Plugin 依赖 Structs 插件版本需要 >= 1. You will configure the Jenkins Go plugin which automatically downloads and installs the Go runtime for a specific version. Jenkins will check for updates for installed plugin, and then install any updates that are available. To get your plugin, go to Jenkins- select Manage Jenkins- Plugins- Manage Plugins. To view Seed job examples and instructions for each type of Jenkins jobs, see jenkins-job-dsl-examples . zip archive locally. I have also setup a Multi Branch Pipeline in Jenkins that picks up a Jenkinsfile from git repo successfully. 需要有一个Jenkins环境,可以使用下面的命令快速运行一个Jenkins Drone plugin for trigger Jenkins jobs. Splunk Plugin for Jenkins 1. Find the a³ Configuration Section and specify. This means that whenever the fingerprint is used, it gets migrated to the newly configured external storage. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins . Go to the Advanced tab and upload the plugin. Jan 25, 2019 · In this blog post, you will learn how to set up an end-to-end Jenkins pipeline for a Go project using modules. Browse to Manage Jenkins, Manage Plugins, and select the Available tab. Jun 21, 2019 · In the Jenkins global tool configuration settings (Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration), find the "Go" section, click "Go Installations" and "Add Go". Enter a name, e. 进入Jenkins-> Plugin 我们进入系统管理-全局工具配置,在Go那一栏选择Go安装,因为我们上面已经在Jenkins容器里安装好go . 在插件管理中搜索 Go Plugin 并安装,安装完后重启jenkins. 0 (planned) make keyboard shortcuts an extension point for other plugins; 1. The image will be pushed to Docker Hub. External Resources. Changelog 2. g. 5. hpi file you extracted from archive Jun 19, 2018 · The autostatus monitoring plugin is available via the Jenkins plugin manager. 使用 Jenkins 编译 Golang 程序,需要安装 Go 插件,在 “系统管理” - “插件管理”,搜索 golang 插件进行安装,安装后等待 Jenkins 重启. 8" — the name itself has no significance, but will be displayed to users during job configuration Sep 9, 2024 · The Go module system was introduced in Go 1. Go to Available and enter Eggplant Runner in the search feature. Automatically installs and sets up the Go programming language (golang) tools on a Jenkins agent during a build. To trigger an unstable build based on the results and to see analysis results in Jenkins, you need to upload the locally run analysis results to Fortify Software Security Center. You therefore don't need to specify the build name and build number on any of the build related JFrog CLI commands. - golang108/go-jenkins The code coverage plug-in provides the following features when added as a post-build action (or step) to a job: Coverage analysis of projects and pull requests: The plugin now computes and shows the absolute coverage of the project, the coverage of the modified files and the coverage of the modified lines, so you can see how the changes actually affect the code coverage. org. Official Jenkins Plugin Index; Jenkins Documentation; Docker and Aug 31, 2020 · Installing the plugin . 而后到 “系统管理” - “🔧全局工具配置” 配置 Go 插件. Using Jenkins plugins is a smart way to streamline your development process. Jenkins Input Plugin. The status will change to Success when the plugin is installed. In the Jenkins dashboard, go to Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration. Install the following plugins: Git Plugin: For pulling the code from the repository. Search for Bitbucket Server Integration. Plugins: GoCD aims to support the most common CD scenarios out of the box without any plugin installation. SCM Git, Pointed at this repo; Add Build Step -> Process Job DSLs. exe in Jenkins' Global Tool Configuration. In order to do that, you will open the Jenkins UI and navigate to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes and Clouds -> Configure Clouds -> Add a new cloud -> Kubernetes and enter the Kubernetes URL and Jenkins URL appropriately, unless Jenkins is running in Kubernetes in which case the defaults work. These are some of the features that are currently implemented: Get information on test-results of completed/failed build Ability to query Nodes, and manipulate Note. Automatically installs and sets up the Go programming language (golang) tools for a build. Search for BitBucket Server Integration. Step 2: To configure a plugin, go back to "Manage Jenkins". mod file The Go module system was introduced in Go 1. Find the P4 plugin or use the Filter if needed; Select the check box and click the Install without restart button; If you are unable to find the plugin, you may need to refresh the 'Update Site'. Jenkins 配置完毕后,在正式执行 Go 工程编译前,我们需要安装一个 Go Plugin 插件,该插件主要完成以下几个功能: 提供各预编译版本 GO 安装包,方便 Jenkins 所在机器执行安装。 配置 GOROOT 环境变量,并指向安装的 Go 工具。 The goal of this project is to create a new Plugin Manager CLI tool and a library which would unify the plugin management across different Jenkins implementations and improve plugin tooling. Click the Available tab. I recognize ‘THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”’, but seems it’s just a forgotten placeholder. ; Install the plugin and restart your Jenkins. Mar 18, 2020 · Go操作Jenkins. To learn about the Jenkins Job DSL, see the Job DSL Tutorial . After the first installation, the plugin should work without restarting the Jenkins, whereas an update of an existing installation requires a restart of Jenkins. Sep 14, 2022 · 配置 Jenkins Go 插件. 新增 Go 环境并使用默认的 Install from golang. The plugin automatically sets the following environment variables: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME and JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER with Jenkins's job name and build number respectively. Under the Available Plugins tab, search for the desired plugin. Check on the Eggplant Runner and click on Install without restart Jul 25, 2020 · golang+jenkins自动化部署方案. Go to the 'Manage Jenkins' section, click on 'Manage Plugins,' and use the 'Updates' tab to see which plugins have updates available. js. Here Nov 22, 2023 · Step 2: Access Jenkins web interface Dashboard >> Go to Manage Jenkins > Click on the Manage Plugins >> Click on Updates >> search or select the Plugin that you want to update then click the Update Now button. Go to your Jenkins dashboard and follow, Manage Jenkins > Plugins and search for "Appcircle Enterprise Store" Add Plugin in Build Steps. jenkins. 2). hxetd kevmwdz rkpl vlvvyead vtvcsp njr dneich fxz jfd xzwr avjzd aiytlk cwvh rprxy phvrnj