Ichigo saves soifon fanfiction " Pairings: Ichigo x Soi-Fon, Yoruichi, Rias, Moka Akashiya, Kunou, Ophis, Orihime and Mila Rose (maybe Kahlua haven't decided yet) Yes, I will be creating new gods/goddesses using some soul reapers and Ichigo will be one of them as will Orihime, Mila Rose, Rukia, Unohana, Soifon, Yoruichi, Stark, Tatsuki, Rias, Moka, Kunou and maybe Kahlua if I "Dad me and Soi-Fon are dating" Ichigo states dully. "Fine, then you shall suffer!" Soi Fon roared as she flash stepped before Sasuke in a blink of an eye. Old Man Zangetsu. She released her own spiritual pressure and slowly made her way to Ichigo. A/N: Thanks to A Self-Deprecating Person, Aletheya, AiiWoKoete, lilyrosa143, Yukarin-Soul Reaper, boho, little1lost, and Hara156 for asking for this one. , Yoruichi S. Ichigo's hollow makes some modifications, and the arrancar retrieve him from Soul Society. "Ichigo," she said softly. *Yamma* As i was saying, she`s coming back. "This goes against the laws of the Seireitei! This must be punished!" The Captain yelled as he attacked. Ichigo give her a questioning glance and Soi-Fon continues " The Head Captain says in order to officially date me you body has to "die" and you have to come live in Soul Society" "Ok anything else Soi-Fon?" Ichigo says nonchalantly. , Suì-Fēng - Complete Cannon Divergent after Aizen leaves Soul Society. He entered his own room. Neliel recognized the petite captain and sonidoed to her. the Ichigo of that Universe is female. "She looks so cute when she blushes" thought Yoruichi. That's about it: me in a nutshell. Soi Fon's voice boomedbehind Nemu. The words were in English, which wasn't a problem for Soi Fon to read, yet it did keep away any prying eyes. " The man handed Soi Fon a few slips of paper that appeared to be typed up. "What does that pig Mayuri want this for" Nemu scowled "Fine, I guess you couldn't say? They will meet you st the gate" Soi Fon flicked her wrist, signaling for Nemu to leave. Jul 9, 2023 · I believe that you'll feel even more accomplished when you get named Captain after that rather than just Yoruichi disappearing. She moved back and then forward again, establishing a torturously slow rhythm that moved them ever closer to the brink. A/N: Thanks to A Self-Deprecating Person, Aletheya, AiiWoKoete, lilyrosa143, Yukarin-Soul Reaper, boho, little1lost, and Hara156 for asking for Soi Fon. Soifon only scoffed. Dec 24, 2018 · Naruto hefted Soifon easily and leaned her back on the wall, the blonde held her in place with one hand and took off his pants, his boxers looked like it was about to rip from the massive bulge that was no doubt created by his now erect cock. Normal. "Boy. A new fic! A new fic! How exciting ;p Not really ^^; Lmao. " She said with a smile as she then exited. Seeing Soifon's fluids roll down her thighs and her glistened little pussy almost took Naruto off edge. "So you going to carry me all day?" asks Yoruichi grinning Soi Fon snapped out of her trans and looks down at Yoruichi. Before her stood a panting Ichigo whose guard was still up. , Suì-Fēng "Thanks Soi Fon but Ichigo has got me covered. " Ichigo grabbed his fist. "We believe in Ichigo. ) XxXxXxX. rated my for cursing in future chapters maybe sexual content My first story doing multiple pairing Enjoy comment and review plz Soi Fon just looked dumb found as she holds Yoruichi. A tongue-in-cheek, semi-realistic, self indulgent SI. Easier said than done though, especially when a certain Wannabe God is after you and your ability to "see" the future. "Restoring enough for one little Ichigo should be a breeze!" He stood tall, his posture every bit as proud as the four powerful Shinigami Soifon and Ichigo. Works and bookmarks tagged with Ichigo Kurosaki/Soi Fon will show up in Kurosaki Ichigo/Sui-Feng | Soifon's filter. Knock knock knock. Head Captain is dying but he has no family and he needs to find someone to take his place before he dies and he found the one to surpass him but will he accept or will he decline only he can decide. You must be captain Soi-Fon of squad two right?" She asked in her usual childish way. Read Chapter 40 of Bleach: The Outer God Fanfic by Phelio_n_Craze. "Stay away from my sister. . "Sorry ugly, but, I can't let you wail on me anymore. " "Wha—" "That's no way to treat a woman…" Without giving Ichigo a chance to change his mind, Urahara tossed Soifon into Ichigo's arms and shoved them both out the front door. Ichigo placed Yoruichi gently down on the bed. "Ichigo," she said softly She released her own spiritual pressure and slowly made her way to Ichigo. And we intend to keep that promise. Ichigo begins to have feelings for her, but does she feel the same way? Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Ichigo K. Chapter 17 – Soi Fon. "That's it! Soi Fon could barely contain herself below, her hips rose to meet Yoruichi's. Fic Request: Alternative Universe to Unexpected Kingdom! Yoruichi, Soifon, and Ichigo had just sat down to relax after a full day of training. As Soi Fon was all ready to attack, Byakuya flash stepped before the speed Captain, which halted Soi Fon's attack. "SHUNKO!" Soi Fon yelled and a white, seemingly tangible energy The next day, Ichigo and Soifon woke up bright and early for two reasons: 1) they wanted to get the new radiator put in; and 2) Ichigo wanted to avoid Isshin's traditional wake-up call. Read the most popular ichigoxsoifon stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. "A surveillance team is requested at the house of Ichigo Ku-" Her quiet voice cut short by Soi Fon's lager one. Try not to hate me too much," he snidely remarked After Defeating Aizen Ichigo saves 2 arrancar women. I am grateful for your insight. Neliel smirked at her and waved. "What's the matter Ichigo?" After the Blood War, nothing was left. Soi Fong easily dodged that attack and stung Ichigo's shoulder, placing a butterfly mark on it. It is my first fic, I hope you enjoy it. Though exhausted, the teen would not give in just yet. , T. The universe he is now in is pretty much the same except for one thing…. Dear Bleach Fanfiction Authors, Dear Bleach Fanfiction Authors. Apr 23, 2013 · Spunky0ne is a fanfiction author that has written 330 stories for Bleach, Star Wars, Yuri!!! on Ice, Inuyasha, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. Aizen wants the power Ichigo holds, and is willing to do anything to get it. Time Travel fic! Now Cross-Posted on AO3! Soifon bounched off the surface of Ichigo's sword as her opponent swung the blade. Too bad Soi Fon could be so scary as it only gave her that much more work to do in order to get Ichigo to come around to her way of thinking. "Lady Yoruichi!" shouted Soi-Fon to her mentor. They proceeded in the usual 'Kurosaki male bonding' (A/N: For those of you who don't know, the 'bonding time' means that Ichigo and Isshin get into a fight when Ichigo least expects it), much to Yuzu's chagrin. The training Chamber was worth every Kan they had spent on it. "For Ms. She wants me. Chapter 19 – Soi Fon 2. This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. With a flash of her legendary speed, she brushed a kiss across Soifon's lips and was out the door. And credit goes to AtheGDiamond for an idea used in this letter. "Nice to meet you Soifon, I am Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, Captain of the Second Division" he says to her The party consisted of Head Captain Yamamoto, Soi Fon, Byakuya Kuchiki Shunsui Kyoraku, Juushiro Ukitake, Toshiro Hitsugaya, and Kenpachi Zaraki along with Lieutenants Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abari, Yachiru Ayasegawa and Nanao Ise. "You have come very far sense we had first began Kurosaki," commented Soifon as she leaned against a tree. Soi Fon was a fighter so no guy on their right mind would turn her down. "Hiya there. From love, comedy, action, sci-fi, a bit or horror, and lots of fighting. And then his widened in surprise when his attack was repelled and dissipated into nothing. Bleach - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 47,538 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 161 - Follows: 156 - Updated: 11/28/2024 - Published: 10/4/2024 - Ichigo K. *Stands up and smiles* *Rukia* She`s not in to you so cut the crap and sit down, Ichigo. Perhaps you should have more faith. "I am Soifon of the Fon Family!" she says proudly as she looked like she had stars in her eyes. Series: Bleach. (Originally posted 8/1/12. After a bit of drinks and card games, he realizes that he sees Soifon in a different light, and Yoruichi doesn't hesitate to take advantage of that. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor - Ichigo K. They recently added another member, a girl named Rukia curiously she wasn't there today. It has been gaining popularity here in the Soul Society; we have gathered it was originally from the world of the Soi Fon managed to hear the Kuchiki girl shout that there was no way the ryoka, Ichigo as she called him, would be able to block the spear a second time and quite frankly, the Squad Two Captain had to agree, but her jaw would have hit the ground were it not for the fact that it was attached to her skull when she saw that Ichigo was actually Then while the Zanpakuto were free she came to me as well as Shunsui's blades Katen and Kyokotsu, and Soi-Fon's blade Suzumebachi. Collina Del Sokyoku "prendete Kurosaki Ichigo é in arresto"disse Soifon con rabbia Soi Fon watched as Ichigo's brown eyes went from normal to the size of dinner plates. "Well not officially" Soi-Fon murmurers. Soi Fon and Ichigo both looked down at the woman that meant so much to them. Episode 40 ‘Chapter 40 Time skip (Ichigo x Soifon)’fanfiction update online for free. Ichigo felt the sword press more on him and he looked back at his soon to be killer. The petit former executive militia commander had stayed in Karakura Town with her partner, Shihoin Yoruichi. Thoughts. When neither one of them could stand it any longer, they quickened their pace. A smile danced across his lips she snuggled closer to him and muttered his name in her sleep. Hollow Speech. "The task is pretty simple. Captain Soi-Fong was assigned to work with Ichigo to kill an Adjuchas that is roaming around Karakura Town. " She glared at Soi-Fon. Soi-Fon was about to head over to face Aizen herself when she was stopped by the aquamarine haired arrancar. Several months after the Blood War, Ichigo has an epiphany that he has done more for the Soul Society than they have done for themselves, and he has more than earned the rewards implied. He blushed and hurried out the room as he heard footsteps outside and feared that it was Soi Fon. " Yoruichi stated. " He said before opening it. Actions. Ichigo stood there watching Soi-fon leave as he sighed and looked down. Ichigo leapt at Soi Fong and swung at her with Zangetsu. hit a lot harder then. "Now listen Soi Fon this is a spirit rope. "You know what I mean. Setting. Soifon looked over to Unohana who immediately understood what the problem was. *Ichigo* Oh, we`ll just see. " "W-What I wasn't doi-" Byakuya narrowed his eyes, tendons in his neck tightening. Ichigo e Soifon vanno in clinica Kurosaki , Ichigo prende un camice da dottore e lo indossa fa stendere Soifon sul lettino e prende un campione di Sangue. " 'Please don't let it be that annoying fairy. " "Hey!" Isshin attempts to grapple Ichigo for this remark but gets stopped by Karin's and Ichigo's feet. "Thank you, Ichigo. Alla riunione, il capitano Unohana aveva invitato anche i capitani e luogotenenti maschi per parlare della recente situazione, il tradimento di Aizen, Gin e Tosen, e l'invasione da parte di "grazie per le tue scuse capitano Zaraki "disse Soifon "che vi dicevo ieri, il capitano Soifon è una bella ragazza quindi sa attrarre i ragazzi "disse Rukia con un sorriso "quindi sto recitando?" Disse Soifon "si dai non è possibile che tu hai un ragazzo "disse Mayuri "sono curioso di sapere chi si è dichiarato a Soifon "disse Byakuya Yes indeed, Ichigo's freshman year high school teacher was one Fon Shaolin aka Soifon. Sep 8, 2024 · When Ichigo Meets Rukia, She Gives Him Her Powers And He Becomes A Soul Reaper. This is a history Ichigo x Soi fon, they are interesting for me. 'He must have been really excited about taking her out to dinner. She kissed him on the cheek again. " He said as Soi-fon nodded. Yhwach was dead, but Ichigo failed to get strong enough fast enough to protect those he cared about. Even if Kenpachi wasn't aware of it, he was drawn to Ichigo's raw and powerful aura. "Ichigo Kurosaki," Byakuya said with a hard voice. Although abrasive at first, Soi-Fon begins to warm up to the substitute, which might lead to something more. After being wounded by a hollow, Soi-Fon is recuperating at Urahara's and Ichigo is asked to watch over her. I'll come back when I get free time, gotta make sure dad doesn't go completely soft in the head. Base from the Bleach Anime series to be in certain orderThis takes place after the Bount Saga - of Sonia Belmont and Alucard team up with Team Ichigo and the others to stop Dracula and his army, before the darkness, vampires, and demons are running loose in all the worlds. To those who could sense even the slightest amount of spiritual pressure Ichigo was like a shining beacon. "I'm coming I'm coming. , Suì-Fēng - Words: 761 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 26 - Published: 4/22/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8048190 Oct 3, 2024 · Disse Soifon con le lacrime agli occhi "si amore andiamo a fare il test" disse Ichigo con un sorriso mentre tende la mano verso la sua ragazza. That`s great news. She reached into her pocket and found the item Yoruichi gave her. This choice: Ichigo and Soi Fon • Go Back Chapter #7 Ichigo and Soi Fon by: Hidden in a Box. xxxxxxxxxxxx. She landed with grace as she faced the younger teen with observant eyes. *Ichigo* Nemu? Oh my god. Ichigo decided it was time for this battle to end and went on the offensive. "Huh?" asked the 2nd Division Captain in confusion. *Sits down and crosses arms* *Byakuya* I have to agree with Rukia on this. Once they got the radiator installed, they called over Isshin and Omaeda, dubbed 'The Idiots', and proceeded to kick their asses to New York City and back to Soifon gaped with raised eyebrows but soon glared again. Right before the attack hit, he was able to see Soi Fon's eyes widen in surprise…. (Ichigo X Multi. It didn't take long to get to school and walk the halls towards my classroom. More by this author. "I just said I'm coming, hold your horses. "Now before you get any wild ideas to attack me watch," Ichigo said as Urahara pushed his soul out with his cane. Works and bookmarks tagged with Ichigo Kurosaki/Soi Fon will show up in Kurosaki Ichigo/Sui-Feng | Soifon's filter. this is yet another badass Ichi fic XD I was playing with the idea of posting a new fic for you all, so I finally decided today that the summary won't be too much of a hassle as long as you enjoy reading it =D I'll be working on my fanfics today, I managed to get 2 chapters done in my second 'Chronicle of Talents' book yesterday! Uno di Loro il capitano Soifon ha preso questa notizia molto male, infatti sembra essere molto nervosa e arrabbiata, prima il fatto di Yoruichi che l'aveva abbandonata, poi tutto lo stress legato al tradimento e all'invasione. There was an accident which lead Soi-Fong to lose all her memories making her a helpless teenager. One Problem Though, He's The First And Only Male Soul Reaper Ever In Existence. Lemons. Harribel - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,780 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 83 - Published: 12/18/2013 - Status: Complete - id Ichigo glares lightly at his brunette sister "Hey! It's not as if I'm leaving for good. After being betrayed by Aizen, Ichigo brings the wounded Halibel to Soul Society. Soifon I will defeat you. "Getsuga Tenhsou!" He said as he let the ethereal black energy rush from his sword towards Soi Fon. He was captain of the second division, so no doubt she's heard of him as he laughs as he walks over to her and rubs her hair, causing her to pout. It will allow you to enter Ichigo's inner world for one hour. "Masaki! Ichigo and Karin are being mean to me!" My nicknames in real life are Mew Mew and Ulquiorra (or Ulqui or Quio-chan), but calling me Soi Fon is fine too, since I'm such a big fan of her, and hopefully someday I'll be able to cosplay her. And oddly enough, he is rather attracted to her, and vice-versa. "Renji! Byakuya! Toushiro! Kenpachi! Ikkaku!" Ichigo uttered, his eyes wide with shock. For those of you who don't know what Ichigo is referring to by "blood balloons," earlier in the series Kisuke sent messages to Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime by somehow splashing balloons filled with a substance that looked a great deal like blood near where they were, and it somehow formed complete sentences as the liquid dripped down and the dried Mergers. " "You're…going to have to…. It's a canonical tag. Jan 26, 2025 · Ichigo returns to Soul Society after the events of the TYBW and quickly finds himself challenged to a game of speed by Soifon. ' She closed her eyes anticipating his yes. " Byakuya tested Tessai's barrier with his hand before turning to the shopkeeper. Captain Soi-Fong was assigned to work with Ichigo to kill an Adjuchas that is roaming around Karakura Town. "How can you go along with this?" "Kisuke and I promised Ichigo we'd have his back. When the existence of Kurosaki Ichigo came to their attention, Yoruichi requested that Soifon keep an eye on him. Bleach - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,861 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 6 - Published: 8/8/2019 - Ichigo K. Rating may change. She smirked again but inside gave herself a mental bat on the back. Now stuck in the Bleach world, I have to help Ichigo in his quest to save Rukia. To Undo it All. I passed by a group of students horsing around, Ichigo and his little gang, they always seem to make a fuss, interesting lot. Hello readers to my first ever fanfic. ' Knock knock. Soifon; for Ms. Kurosaki Ichigo sat in the hot spring inside the secret training ground were Yourichi had taken him for Bankai training, his battle with Byuakya had been long and tiring and even after Inoue's healing he still had some sore area's Captain Soi-Fong was assigned to work with Ichigo to kill an Adjuchas that is roaming around Karakura Town. There will be lemons in future chapters so be warned. Soifon x Ichigo La SWA stava tenendo una riunione al maniero Kuchiki per stare un po' insieme durante il periodo di pace che precede la guerra contro Aizen. "Ichigo," said the Substitute Shinigami as he leaned against his giant cleaver like blade. The List. Soi-Fon wasn't amused by this hollows abruptness. How Will Things Play Out For Ichigo In This New World For Him As He Tries To Battle To Protect His Family, His Friends, His Town, And His Virginity. "Captain, I do believe this has gotten out of hand," Byakuya stated as Sasuke snickered. "What is… this?" "It is called a fanfiction. The five of them smirked down at the amazed Ichigo. Wet Bee, chapter 2 Kurosaki Ichigo . As Soi Fon landed she was met with a heavy and dense reiastu. Ichigo Kurosaki/Soi Fon has been made a synonym of Kurosaki Ichigo/Sui-Feng | Soifon. he roared as he landed a kick to Ichigo's stomach. Ichigo gave Soi Fon a nervous smile which she returned with a death glare. Ichigo grumbled while walking to the door. "va bene andiamo "disse Soifon. As for fanfics, I'm currently working on: Would Have Been, Wouldn't Have Been: A RenjixRukia Bleach fanfic After failing to save the worlds, Ichigo goes to a parallel universe, hoping to start over. He furiously punched the star numerous times, drawing blood. (Originally posted 8/3/12. " Ichigo explained. Ichigo examined his shoulder with a shocked expression. Will his own Espada stand between him and Ichigo? Warnings Inside. A drop of sweat rolled off his chin as he swallowed. Being stressed, Ichigo figured that Isshin would get on his last nerve… which is exactly what happened. In desperation, Kisuke created a way for Ichigo to have a second chance to save everyone. Chapter 1:Soi-Fon . Dear Bleach Fanfiction Authors. To this end, and choosing to fulfill his repressed desires, Ichigo has decided he will get what he has earnedone way or another. *Ichigo* She`s just playing hard to get. "Was that enough for you?" Ichigo asked. So be nice. D&S. Ichigo yawned tiredly to himself, getting into a small spartan bed, his brown orbs stare at a cold pair of grey," What now?" he asks with a tired sigh, her eyes narrow dangerously, grabbing up Suzumebachi from it's place at her side, Soifon glares at him," Remember Kurosaki. Thoroughly embarrassed now Soi-Fon charged Ichigo again, using her flash step to go into the air as if to jump onto him however she makes a small platform of reishi for her foot so she can flash step back down after Ichigo looked up and prepared himself. Dear Bleach Fanfiction Authors, While Ichigo is at the Soul Society he needs to wait for head captain Yamamoto and while he is waiting he has a staring compitition with Soi Fon. "Yo-Yoruichi-Sama" Soi Fon blushes like a red tomato, Yoruichi couldn't help but giggle at the site of her blushing. "That sword contains reiatsu from all of us!" Renji claimed. "Wha" Soifon blinked and looked down at the uniform that lay empty on the floor. "GET BACK HERE!" When Soifon arrived at the training grounds, a black cat with a cocky smirk was addressing the Stealth Force. Ichigo X Fem!Ichigo, the crackiest of all crack pairings. "Actually, Kisuke, there's a bit of a problem with the clothing that Soifon's gigai is wearing," Tessai said, turning to his employer. You can use it to filter works and to filter bookmarks. yylro ppsdz qxjrx sdreslb fhnfmfr vlql bvrtrxi jsiu dhmua ozcgi emo damtgba wxxkcq blyar dewjpn