Divinity crafting skill books. Nov 4, 2016 · Book Recipes.
Divinity crafting skill books But how do we craft the empty skillbook? I have tried numerous combinations such as Inkpot and Quill + Paper + Pixie Dust Paper + (Element) essence + Pixie Dust Paper Nov 29, 2022 · I think the only spell I've ever needed to use the blank books for was Apportation, which targets an area and puts all items int hat area into your inventory. And I exactly used the same books he used. If the skill is Jan 13, 2022 · Below is a list of all available non-spell books in Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition. For example if you combine a Necromancer Skill Book with a Fire Skill Book you will get the Skill: Corpse Explosion . Elemental + Non-Elemental = Mix Skill. Including a Source skill book also can craft a Source skill. It also allows for a viable wits-based grenadier build to beat initiative on some of those ambushes. & It’s when one of the two skillbooks crafted together is a source skillbook (skill that uses source points). wiki. Here's a few off the absolute top of my head: Adrenaline. Death Wish Scroll Black Shroud Skillbook. Edit: I need LV 5 to combine two blank scrolls though to make a skillbook from scratch. The community is for the discussion of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and other games by Larian Studios Oct 2, 2020 · The matrix shows all 48 skillbook combinations that can be created by combining an elemental skill with non-elemental skills. Blank Earth Skillbook is a type of crafting component in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Apr 7, 2014 · You need level 5 crafting, NOT level 5 of that element. Complete crafting guide recipe list for Divinity Original Sin. Bone Nov 7, 2018 · When crafting from the Experiment tab of the crafting window, you can always only create a single item, but when crafting from the Recipes page, an amount to create can be specified and the whole crafting will only use one handle maximum. 6. Dec 13, 2019 · irregardless, i can confirm one thing though, you need crafting level 5 to craft a skill book. It removes surfaces, reveals invisible characters, and clears status effects like Invisible, Burning, and Slowed. High tier blank The problem is that I have a character who has crafting 4, and I have a blank spell book, and I have a scroll that I want to learn In particular, I want to use my charm scroll into a charm skill book, using a blank witchcraft spell book. Instead, buy blank scrolls, sold by Victoria the orc librarian in the public library upstairs the town hall and Sebi in Silverglen for a VERY reasonable price (26 coins) Skill Books Recipe in Divinity: Original Sin 2 are how the player crafts skills. not 100% sure but I think so. If the reader character has the appropriate stats, reading the skillbook will add that skill or spell Sep 14, 2017 · Divinity: Original Sin 2 Skill Crafting Combinations. combine one warfare + one hydrosophist book and you get, IMHO, a better healing spell than the pure hydrosophist ones. The elementals you unlock in the Homestead have skill books. Skill / spell books (or certain scrolls) that teach your character new skills / spells are also called books, but these function slightly differently. High intelligence improves this skill. Jul 7, 2014 · List of Divinity Original Sin crafting recipes and how you can craft potions, skill books, scrolls, weapons, armor, accessories and enchanting items. . Or you could just buy the book from any vendor who sells aero spells Jul 1, 2014 · I know what to do with them to make actual skill books, but I need two water skill books something bad because im desperate to learn a heal spell of some kind for my mages. You can also "unlock" a recipe by doing it. Apr 8, 2022 · Magic unlock "scroll" is craftable. Sep 18, 2017 · You can make a random blank spell by combining paper and pixie dust. Any two Skill Books can be combined to create something new, though it should be noted that different skills will be created if one of the Skill Books you’re using is for Sep 17, 2017 · Divinity: Original Sin 2 adds plenty of interesting wrinkles to the western-RPG formula, and one of those wrinkles is the ability to combine two skill books and create an entirely new ability. Blank Summoning Skillbook is a type of crafting component in Divinity: Original Sin 2. SCROLL RECIPES:http://divinityoriginalsin2. Base blank summoning skillbook can be used to craft summoning skills Blank Necromancy Skillbook is a type of crafting component in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Most skill books are crafted using two other skill books from different skill types. Black Shroud Scroll Living on the Edge Skillbook. 1 Weapons; 2 Potions; 3 Empty Skill Book : Blank Scroll Nov 14, 2017 · You can craft skill book with those skill books. Then use an enchanted quill and pen to make a random scroll. I initially grabbed it, made the book, then reloaded as I was short on gold, had 20 or so scrolls (I think I have used 2), and her quest is one as are all her great book availability. 4) Welcome to the all-in-one table of crafting recipes for Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition! Use the search bar to filter results and only show certain recipes, click the table headers to sort, and use the theme selector to switch the table between light and dark themes. Ingredient. MODS AND TOOLS > First of all is the Googledoc provided by PatrickSJ and Alynora which displays many crafting recipes in game. A guide to combining skill books (Crafted Skills) in Divinity Original Sin 2!Full List of Skills: https://divinityoriginalsin2. That gives you blank scrolls. I can't screenshot it because I found it on Ethne. A. By Haider Khan 2014-07-07 2023-01-26 Share Share So i searched how to craft a skill book and i got only info about the final operation to do: scroll + blank skillbook but how do i craft the blank skillbook??? Showing 1 - 4 of 4 comments Sep 16, 2017 · I have a question regarding the skillbook crafting. Last edited by Dread ; Sep 19, 2017 @ 10:47am #2 You don't craft skills like corpse explosion with blank books, you need regular ones. Result - This is the end result of the combination of items Recipe Type - This is the type of Recipe Parts 1 and 2 - This is one of the parts of the craft, this is interchangeable. Blank Books can sometimes be found on bookshelves, and will also be sold by vendors (for cheaper than actual Skills). Sep 14, 2017 · Want to beef up your character with new spells in Divinity: Original Sin 2? You need to know where to find the skill book vendors and how to craft your own books on the fly! Skill book recipes allow you to acquire skills through crafting, and some of them can only be acquired this way. Also if you check the tabs at the top you can view other recipes, most notably the scroll crafting. Blank Air Skillbook is a type of crafting component in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Reply reply Dec 11, 2017 · Keep some for skill book crafting, use the ones that are appropriate for your build. Aug 4, 2017 · Sabotage- Pyrokinetic Skill Book + Scoundrel Skill Book; Fire Infusion- Pyrokinetic Skill Book + Summoning Skill Book; Vacuum Touch- Aerothurge Skill Book + Necromancy Skill Book; Vaporise- Aerothurge Skill Book + Polymorph Skill Book; Breathing Bubble- Aerothurge Skill Book + Warfare Skill Book; Erratic Wisp- Aerothurge Skill Book + Huntsman Oct 3, 2020 · BOOK Skill Necromancy Blank A. Oct 10, 2017 · Here are 10 useful recipes to help you make the most of Divinity: Original Sin 2's crafting system. F or example combining a blank geo skill book + acid spores scroll should create a skill book. Scrolls can be found quite commonly, and can be crafted fairly easily also. Don't forget to Memorise or remove memorised skills after using the Skill books. Tip for crafting skill books: Whatever you do, DO NOT BUY BLANK SKILL BOOKS FROM VENDORS, they are crazy expensive (744 coins). Search function and crafting FAQ. Skill Level Item 1 Item 2 Skill Book Type Comments; Crafting You need crafting 5 to be able to craft a skill book. 1. Is it as simple as combining any two skill books or do I need to read a special Crafting Bible to first get the recipie? I tried to combine a blank Pyro and blank Huntsman skill books but it didnt craft anything. 5 G 500 You can craft skill books and it allows you to get some skills early like Nether Swap and Laser Ray. I. Crafting books is now also possible, by combining empty skill books with skill scrolls or combining two books to create entirely new skills. Oct 4, 2017 · Yes it is since I've crafted quite a few of them. I'm trying to get source skillbooks to craft things like master of sparks and corrosive spray, but when/where should I expect to find these books? high tier Is for the later game spells where normal is for the rest. Skill Level Item 1 Item 2 Result Skill Book Type Comments Don't miss out on crafted skill books. Blank water skillbook is a book which when combined with an appropriate scroll containing a hydrosophist spell, may create a skillbook of said spell. How do I do it? Do I need to combine specific skill books together? For example, for the corpse explosion do I need to combine "raise bloated corpse" and "ignition"? Or do I need to combine blank necromancy and fire skill books? If its the blank skill books, where do I find them? I havent seen one. Though there are a handful of usually-always necessary ones. Nov 4, 2016 · Book Recipes. this requires two blank scrolls of the same element. Read this book to learn it Necromancer W 0. If you have the scroll it can be cheaper than buying the book from a vendor, though I'm not sure when the High Tier skill books are needed. But if you do Arcane Stitch (Source Hydro) + Decaying Touch then that creates Blood Storm. Sep 18, 2017 · Checked everywhere. To craft scroll, you need magic pen and blank paper. com/Crafted+Sk Information obtained from Official Larian Forum: Crafting Recipes & Guide & Crafting Recipes & Guide - Version 8 How do I craft stuff? Crafting involves either dragging and combining items in you inventory or dragging them to an anvil, forge or whetstone wheel depending on the recipe (DOS1), or using the Craft menu (DOS:EE), right-clicking an interactable crafting "station" or "tool" on the You can combine blank skill books with scrolls to make a skill book, IE the other day I combined a Blank Earth Skill book with a Summon Artillery Plant scroll to make a Summon Artillery Plant skillbook. Most stuff I'm finding refers to the first game instead of this one, so I'm gonna ask here. Divinity II Crafting Divinity II Skills Divinity II Stat Guide Divinity Original Sin I. 1 . But late game with apotheosis and source spells, you will break the game. I've even seen someone do a video of creating a blood infusion skillbook. Skill Crafting in Divinity: Original Sin 2 allows the player to combine two different Skill Books and get a brand new Skill. i mean they could just make armor like a resistance to that type and make it so armor absorbs 40% damage so if you get hit for 1k you take 600 health damage 400 armor All vendors will sell all the skill books available to their specialization. So keep checking in with these vendors to find skill books Questions? The recipe for any skillbook in D:OS 1 is the following: Crafting 5 is required, then you will need an empty skill book of the corresponding magic school (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) and a scroll from that school to get a skill book. Skill Book Merchants list for Divinity: Original Sin - detailed table with link to online-map position, sorting and filtering features Act 2 is a good time to start stocking up crafting materials for consumables such as scrolls, as there are many traders who sell crafting materials at cheap prices (essences, chicken feet, feathers, etc. Read. They can be used to craft necromancer skills from Starter to Adept tier (up to level 9 skills). To do so, craft two books (blank or otherwise) together. com/ScrollsSKILLBOOK RECIPES:http://divinityoriginalsin2. How much crafting does it take to be able to make an adept skill book? With 3 levels of crafting, Roderick can make any novice level skillbook, but can't seem to do adept. you can make blank scrolls by using pixie dust on a sheet of paper. 2- Normally the traps take a turn to become "active", but if you are a glass cannon or have adrenaline skill, you should still have more than enough AP left to trigger Original Sin Enhanced Edition Crafting is a page for collecting recipes and materials in Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition. You craft books from scrolls. Source Elemental + Non-Elemental or Elemental + Source Non-Elemental = Source Mix Skill. You can craft them also, just need a scroll ( match skill book you want to make) and blank skill book (same school). 2. And you can craft them from scrolls (that's spells only, of course). If you're looking for tiers as in, what's the best skill for your characterthat's mostly situational. Oct 8, 2017 · Back to the res book. You can't miss a purchasable skill book. Search vendors for a belt, a ring or bracers with +1 crafting (no other item gives that certain bonus usually) or check your inventory for items that give +1 crafting. Here's how I used them to great effect against Grog the Troll. That being said, you don't lose learned skills on respec. Scrolls of skills can also be crafted. Feb 5, 2022 · Its just I thought it was the bank skill books and have been lugging around for a while till I felt it was time to let Ethne the trader off the hook. Can be used to create a skillbook. Overall it makes crafting so much more valuable, giving you additional income sources and power spikes. However it says that combination is invalid. I still cannot find the cleave man-at-war skill, captain and fire elemental guy are not selling that book! its ok im using a henchy i leveled to crafting +5 :D From what I have personally seen, quest items refuse to sell (this includes notes and books) until they are no longer needed, certain notes could help you later in the game for SOME quests yet can be sold, your best bet is to mark ALL books and notes as wares, save, sell all wares, check your inventory and you'll see what notes and books are quest related and thus not sellable, then reload and Blank Water Skillbook is a type of crafting component in Divinity: Original Sin 2. They can be used to craft geomancer skills from Starter to Adept tier (up to level 9 skills). Read everything you find. Blank earth skill book weight is 0. Where in the game does it mention about combining skill books, like where does it reference it or give you any knowledge that it can be done. The formula is always one elemental skill + one non-elemental skill, and you do have to have at least one or a few points in each skill to use them but depending on the skill it's often worth it. Apr 7, 2014 · alright here it is then: you need level 5 crafting to make a blank skillbook in the first place. Cross-Ability Skills - Shows the skills that require points in two different abilities in grid-form. nothing is made because even though it is a valid combo your crafting skills are not high enough and C. Silverglen has vendors for all the books (they're mostly sitting at tables in the inn). Divinity Original Sin 2 Video showcases other features about the game like split screen, skill crafting, rune crafting and more. I haven't learned the actual recipe though. Base blank air skillbook can be used to craft aerotheurge skills from Starter to Early-mid game, physicals rule. We can combine skillbooks, we can craft empty skillbooks and a spell scroll to make its corresponding spellbook. no, sticking 2 items together will give one of the following results. Skill Books locations , crafting process and recipes for DOS2. This makes it easier to lookup what skills you Jul 7, 2014 · This will be a continuation of my first thread with an updated list of the recipes on a clean format as I am unable to modify the old thread further. no, you need a blank skillbook of the school you want and a scroll of a spell from that same school to get the skillbook of that scroll. If a source skillbook is used then the result will also be a source skillbook. (About time) Blank skill books: Quill + leather cover + ? summoning skill book: + distinctive drudanae Water skill book: + distinctive farhangite Necromancy skill book: + distinctive trumpet of death Air skill book: + distinctive tea herb Polymorph skill Complete crafting guide recipe list for Divinity Original Sin. I am sure i am loosing some point in the process. Base blank water skillbook can be used to craft hydrosophist skills from Starter to Adept tier (up to level 9 skills Jan 25, 2021 · Divinity: Original Sin 2 Skill Book Locations. Base blank polymorph skillbook can be used to craft polymorph skills from Starter to Adept tier (up to level 9 skills There are other vendors. I'm guessing that he would need 4 ranks to do adept books, and 5 for Master level skills? That's a huge investment in skill points. ) as well as purchasing skill books. Living on the Edge Scroll Raise Bonepile Skillbook. I want to craft Vampiring hunger aura. Iirc all the elemental skill books can be combined with non-elemental skill books. For what you're doing you'd need to craft the scroll using paper or parchment first, then craft it with a book and some air essence. But I haven't found the way to write in the empty skill books. All Skill book traders will receive the next tier of skill books when the player reaches levels: 1, 4, 9, 13 and 16. Skill Level Item 1 Item 2 Result Skill Book Type Comments Sep 19, 2017 · And according to everything I've read, creating a skill book requires a blank skill book of the right spell school and a corresponding scroll. The recipe is always scroll+(relevant essence)+book, or for source spells, scroll+source orb+high tier skillbook. You just can't memorize them (and thus have them available for use) if you don't meet the requirements. if you get C you will alwa Nov 1, 2015 · Divinity: Original Sin EE - Crafting Guide. But not level 5 source spell like thunderstorm etc. Ive even got the stuff to make them into the right skill book, but I need blank ones first. Its weight is 0. Also, some skills/spell scrolls can't be combined with normal blank skill books, it's these ones that require high tier blank skill book. Blank books can only be combines with a scroll to create the respective skill book. 1- As the turn starts, cast this skill and deploy the mines right on top of Grog. if your dual wielding your armor late game is like 1200-2000 and monsters hit for around 1k so leech is a way to pseudo increase effective hp and is VERY useful but like i said its only useful for characters without a shield. I mix up a hydrophonist book and a scoundrel book (that has a source point) The wiki suggests me to as I described, but nothing happen. I already know about that one, but people claim you can make specific spells to. To craft book, you need scroll and blank book. Oct 22, 2016 · Another question. In Divinity: Original Sin 2, skills are primarily learned by reading Skill Books, either purchased (or stolen) from vendors or found as loot throughout the game. E. But still it says invalid combination. Larian Studios & Swen Vincke — Divinity: Original Sin (2014) Patrick Sylvest — Google spreadsheet crafting recipes jQuery | Leaflet You can combine them with other skill books to make new skills. 3 and value is 250 gold. Dec 13, 2017 · Crafting skills requires Blank Skill Books and Scrolls of the particular skill. Did they remove the ability to craft blood infusion skill books? If so, how can you get this skill? Thanks, Pixie Dust: Inert Voodoo Doll: Voodoo Doll (quality/damage depends on crafting skill) Costs 0 AP to use HEAL 40% OF HEALTH: fish or meat + cooking station with 5-star dinner talent TO MAKE MONEY CRAFTING TIP 1: Empty potion bottle + any essence = 100-300 gold each! TO MAKE MONEY CRAFTING TIP 2: Short sticks -> Makeshift Axe and Long sticks -> 2-Handed Staffs LOCKPICKS: anvil + claw hammer + nails POTIONS TIP 1: Empty potion bottle + penny bun mushroom, yarrow flowers, amadouvier, or Jun 27, 2021 · In Divinity: Original Sin 2, you can combine Skill Books, books that bestow various magical and non-magical skills upon your character, together to create brand new skills. E. In Apr 10, 2021 · This is embarrassing to say, but after over 140hrs if play, I only just found out about combining skill books for new skills. Since then I have not been able to craft a single skill book even though I have multiple blank element scrolls of the same type, have crafting at 3 and have the required element school of magic at 2 with at least 2 Oct 8, 2017 · Teaches Skill: Resurrect 6 AP Resurrect a dead ally to 20% of their Vitality at a location within 13m. 0 Memory Slot(s) Requires Necromancer 3 Cooldown 8 Turn(s) 13m Range Necromancy skill. com/Skill+Books(2017) Div Oct 27, 2017 · Skills - Descriptions of skills that are more accurate than the in-game tooltips, including such details as Range, Radius (of the area of effect), Cooldown, and comparable damage/healing numbers. Part in italic represent the "Any" type objects. While many skills are gained by buying books at different vendors (or found during the course of the game), you can actually directly craft your own skill books. For instance Knife means ANY knife Divinity Original Sin 2 Game, Ps4, Walkthroughs, Skills, Crafting, Download Guide Unofficial: Chala Dar: Amazon. What can I do? Dec 5, 2024 · Tornado is an Aerotheurge Skill in Divinity Original Sin 2 (DOS 2). Once you have some skill books, you can create hybrid spells by combining skill books from Hi everyone with the "recent" update they have added skill books to crediting crafting. Blank summoning skillbook is a book which when combined with an appropriate scroll containing a summoning spell, may create a skillbook of said spell. Sold so many necor and pyro skill books over the time I have been combing the map and then I just sold them to buy skill books in the end anyway Sep 30, 2017 · Usually with blank skill books you combine them with a scroll of the same class and you'll recieve a skill book with that spell/skill which you then can learn permanetly instead. Or apparently you can combine the empty scrolls to make a skill book. They can be very expensive, so keep cash on hand if you plan to go this route. Below is a list of a few common Recipes. Raise Bonepile Scroll Bone Cage Skillbook. Blank earth skillbook is a book which when combined with an appropriate scroll containing a geomancer spell, may create a skillbook of said spell. I already tried every empty skillbook with every scroll and its always not working, I dont know what else i should do. You can also buy skill books if you wish. a boosted/new item is made, B. Don't forget to get skills for companions of course. Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition Crafting Table (v0. Edit: also for "vanilla" skills (one skill type only) you can put a scroll into a blank skillbook. e. I tried to craft a skillbook with level 4 and it said "this is a potential combination" the ressurect skillbook still can't be crafted, but it can be found on one of the elemental vendors. I've escaped fort joy, found the seeker sanctuary, am level 6, have removed main's collar, have 3 skillspoints in some skills such as pyro and geo. Oct 20, 2017 · Some are called blank skill book of X But after a certain level you will start to see, high level blank skill book of X. Can someone explain how skill book crafting works? Specifically Throw Dust and Throw Explosive trap. Hi folks, did anyone managed to craft a skill book fro ma scroll? On wiki it says you need a skill book of a skill X and a scrolls of that X. Tired of having to use the web page? Scrolls & Skill Books: Crafting 2+ Apr 7, 2020 · Hello, it is unclear to me how to craft skill books. Blank Polymorph Skillbook is a type of crafting component in Divinity: Original Sin 2. Burning Touch Scroll Jan 8, 2025 · Underrated skill. The levels listed here are only the minimum. Once I was 20+ in act 4, I had a bunch of T3/T2 source spells, including necro source spells, and would just destroy everything. Not everything is craftable, and certain are complex. nothing. Note that when crafting Skill Books, your Crafting Level will need to be higher for higher-level skills. By Tolben. Jul 3, 2014 · Hey guys, when I was first starting I was able to craft 2x blank water scrolls into a blank water skill book then I crafted that with a scroll of Rain and had the skill book. Blank polymorph skillbook is a book which when combined with an appropriate scroll containing a polymorph spell, may create a skillbook of said spell. Where do I get books that will teach me this kind of thing? skill book restock is based on your level,so they will start selling the stronger stuff as you level up. Is this a glitch or am I doing Group Final Product Effect / Description Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Ingredient 4; Armor: Armour of the Eternals: Eternal Artefact: Eternal Plate Sep 16, 2017 · Basically, to craft a skillbook you need to combine a skillbook from one class with another from another class like Pyro+Warfare. Recipe to craft Apportation Skillbook in Divinity Original Sin 2 and the ingredients needed. Alternative: The talent "scientist" or the trait "pragmatic" each give +1 in crafting, too. Put this on my Glass Cannon Ranger and it's surprisingly good. Is it early on in the game, how did i miss it? Apr 17, 2020 · This DOS2 crafting guide has the list of all crafting recipes in Divinity: Original Sin 2. fextralife. Elemental: Hydro, Aero, Pyro, Geo Non Elemental: Warfare, Huntsman, Necro, Poly, Scoundrel, Summoning. Fire book + Fireball scroll - Fireball skillbook. Blank Fire Skill Book. You just have to read books. Blank air skillbook is a book which when combined with an appropriate scroll containing a aerotheurge spell, may create a skillbook of said spell. So normally combining Rain (Hydro) + Decaying Touch (Necro) creates a Raining Blood. BOOK Skill Necromancy Blank A. You can either use skill books (blank or not both work) and combine it with another skill book to make some skills, alternatively you can combine scrolls with skill books (blank or not both work still). if you combine empty potion bottle with poison barrel to make poison potion, you can go Menu>Crafting to see all recipes and make multiples at a time (the combine menu only let's you make 1 at a time if you're making 40 pots, it's faster to use the crafting menu). I tried to throw source orb in the mix but it's still invalid. sg: Books. 12. Contents. Tornado summons a tornado that moves randomly around the battlefield. essences are used for other things in dos2. On every character. That coupled with Executioner is a Group Final Product Effect / Description Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Ingredient 4; Armor: Armour of the Eternals: Eternal Artefact: Eternal Plate I've tried combining Necro and Summon skills books. Jul 7, 2014 · Don't make the same mistake I did, I reset my melee talents and lost every 7/7 Man-at-war skills. g. High tier Thanks to. The Marksman book seller in Silverglen is one of the 3 guys sitting at a table in the inn. Use the ones that you will spec into soon, leave the ones you might not just in case you change your mind. Have you tried Charla, I believe, on the beach. Tell us which skill book you are trying to craft and what ingredients you are using. NOTE: Exact stats are not mentioned on crafted items as these will scale depending on players level and crafting skill NOTE: There is a possibility that some of these recipes will not work, because Larian Studios has changed some recipes within the game via patches Potion Edit Req Item Ingredients CR 1 DOS Items Pots Empty Potion Flask ic Empty Potion Flask DOS Items Pots Fire Resistance Dec 4, 2024 · Learning Skills in DOS2. Blank necromancy skillbook is a book which when combined with an appropriate scroll containing a necromancy spell, may create a skillbook of said spell. Does not matter if the book matches with the scroll for example both nekro, still not working I googled "dos2 craftable skill books" for future reference. You can craft source spell from level 3 with thoses books. All others are available through books from vendors or through crafting books together. Actually, I've been able to create these (combine scroll + elemental blank book) with LV 4 Crafting. rzsbj jkfvsg ihcxiqiq tskxduw zzo lqn hahdycdyr qraxxod ibgwptg wrfuha yoz tih vagpmms hhdci uiuer