C1 conversation topics pdf. Conversational Quest.

C1 conversation topics pdf C1-01 Relative Clauses Sep 12, 2023 · (CAE) C1 Advanced: Speaking Part 4 – Tips When practising Part 3, try to predict what types of questions you may encounter in Part 4. If candidates start to address the See full list on breakoutenglish. You can add questions, skip questions, and move on to related topics. Bastian27112017. It poses questions about each topic to prompt discussion. 1 DeutschGym - Free download as PDF File (. If all that’s not enough, extend the task by having students write their own word formation conversation questions. Jul 11, 2022 · This document provides guidance and tips for the Trinity C1 speaking and listening exam. Point out that there are some general introduction questions before the topic questions. inglesmalaga. CONVERSATION TOPICS - ADVANCED LEVEL. Therefore I'm asking if anyone can suggest some topics or knows of a resource that separates topics by level, specifically C1 Grammar for IELTS: Topics, Rules, Exercises. ‍ • Questions designed to help you use the German that you have already learned but do not use. Adults have different interests than younger students, so it's important to find discussion topics that will inspire them to use their language skills to express themselves! Talking about our daily routine activities is essential in virtually any interaction that we have with other people. This document discusses several topics including the brain, electric cars, personality, aging, and news. Be it about your free time activities, school, or work life, we always end up having to tell other people the things we have to do on a day-to-day basis. 4. These discussion questions are suitable for teachers to use in the ESL classroom with students at intermediate level or above. C1-C2 CONVERSATION TOPICS Ambitions (1) - Free download as PDF File (. What is the weather today? ( Video, handout, game) 8 secrets to success. Example listening tasks for the ISE Independent Listening Tasks; Language requirement checklists for each of the GESE and ISE levels. ESB C1 Sample 4 2 TOPIC 1 – Food and Drink (C1) Part 2 Candidates A and B (and C): Talk together about which of the following factors are most important when choosing a restaurant for a family meal. 6 / 5 (6263 votes) Downloads: 91388 >>>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD<<< C1 advanced ( cae) speaking part 1: format. Great Conversation Questions for B1 level and above The Secret to Acting 3, 2, 1, Action! In this lesson, students will talk about acting and its many parts. If you're looking for something a little different to add to your conversation classes, or if you want to just add a little fun and unpredictability, then our random conversation generator is the perfect add-on to any class. One member of the group should act as the examiner, asking the questions and also counting the number of killer expressions each person uses. // Looking for German conversation questions? Look no further, take a look at our long list of topic based conversation questions. Form - brainstorming, discussion, or debate. Furthermore, we will keep all levels and group sizes in mind. Where in the world c. A2 Level: We make digital ESL lesson plans for A2-C1 levels fruitful conversations arise spontaneously and there is an art to listening well and asking the right questions to in order to uncover the nuggets of universal interest which provoke stimulating classroom discussion. pdf), Text File (. Discuss the role of astrology in contemporary consumer culture and its implications for personal identity. Jan 21, 2025 · ESL conversation topics help students get engaged with learning English and practicing their speaking skills. English for Work. Present perfect – ESL Conversation Questions [PDF] • Have you had breakfast yet? • Have you had lunch yet? • Have you had dinner yet? • Have you had supper yet? • Have you taken a shower today? • Have you brushed your teeth today? • Has your father talked to you today? • Has your mother texted you today? This is a list of questions for discussion in ESL class. They are designed to elicit short responses about the test taker's opinions, experiences and preferences. C1 DIALOGUE & INTERACTION - WRITING & SPEAKING GUIDE Please note that the following information should be used as a guide. Oct 4, 2019 · Egal ob Student oder Lehrer, diese lange Liste könnte dir hilfreich sein. docx), PDF File (. Sep 26, 2024 · C1 conversation topics pdf Rating: 4. These questions provide a broad spectrum of topics that encourage learners to discuss their personal experiences, reflect on cultural differences, and engage with abstract concepts. This site contains more than a thousand ESL discussion questions on a range of topics including general, grammar and business English discussion topics. Conversational Quest. • build on your ability to speak confidently for more than a minute. Give natural, full answers but don't dominate. Each lesson comes with a free PDF, quiz, and grammar explanations. The questions allow the reader to practice exchanging experiences and ideas in a natural style. This document provides sample questions and answers that may be asked in Part 1 of the C1 Advanced Speaking exam. CONVERSATION TOPICS - Intermediate level 1. This will help students feel more comfortable and encourage them to participate. Encourage students to have fun with it and use as many as they can. ESL Conversation Questions – Negotiations Download questions as PDF. The topics are divided into 20 categories including people and relationships, jobs, the world and culture, weather and the environment, education, challenges and success, hobbies and leisure, art and entertainment, science and technology, feelings and opinions, discoveries and inventions, fashion and individuality 3. •A mini-dictionary for each theme to help you with the most difficult words or phrases. Can you name them? (video) • learn how to design your own Speaking Part 2 practice tasks. • use online resources to improve your pronunciation. Instructions: Students read the comprehension questions then listen to the audio twice. May 18, 2022 · 2Ts in a Pod advanced advanced vocabulary B1 B2 B2+ barcelona C1 C2 CAE CAE writing part 2 Cambridge C1 Advanced Cambridge C2 Proficiency Cambridge exams Christmas collocations conversation conversation activities adults conversations topics for teenagers conversation topics CPE CPE Writing Part 2 debate debate topics discussion education Here's a list of sample questions and answers for Part 1 of the C1 Advanced Speaking test . com In this post, you will find range of easy and engaging topics for practicing English conversation. C1 Level Questions. We make digital ESL lesson plans for A2-C1 levels, featuring fascinating videos, thought-provoking articles, and stories that resonate with modern world. Your partner should give a brief response. Conversation C1 - Free download as Open Office file (. 180 uses CONVERSATION TOPICS - Intermediate level A list of conversation topics suitable for intermediate level learners of English. Example: Topic = Pizza Student A - Opinion Question 1 = What do you think of pizza? / These questions have been designed with B2 First level in mind using common topics seen in Cambridge exams, but they may also be useful for a C1 Advanced group. Some of the questions cover topics like hobbies, career ambitions, friends, travel plans, music preferences, recent achievements, and life goals. €0. SORT BY. 49327 C1 Participle clauses Random Wheel - Guess my job - PHRASAL VERBS - C1 - C1 conversation 1 - B2 Ice Breaker Conversation Wheel - Give and make collocations Almanca - Turkce A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 - Combine PDF A2 ab -den, -den itibaren aber fakat, ama abgeben teslim etmek, vermek abholen karşılamak, alıp getirmek abschließen kil 0 0 2MB Read more Questions about the future - B2-C1 Cultural know-how ex1 - C1 CHRISTMAS SPEAKING 1 - Inversion - Speaking C1 - PHRASAL VERBS - C1 - Give and make collocations Comunidad Speaking C1 conversation The document provides a series of questions about daily activities, work, family, relationships, and future plans. It outlines the exam structure, which consists of four parts: a topic presentation, collaborative discussion, independent conversation, and listening task. These simple and engaging conversation topics and questions are perfect for beginner and intermediate students. The responses provide insight into the candidates' interests, values and experiences in a casual conversation format. Conversation topics C1 (CAE) Conversation Topics Pdf April 2020 19. A Social Training Lab Report 12 "Almost Magic" Topics That Keep a Conversation Going- and Spark Attraction in the Women 370 B2 conversation questions English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. The interlocutor does not take part in the discussion. Jun 11, 2024 · Effective preparation for the C1 Speaking Exam involves a combination of language practice and familiarity with the exam format. Ideal for all levels. Put them in pairs to compare their answers. Aug 27, 2023 · C1 Advanced (CAE) Essay: Example Topics / Questions Below is a sample list of academic essay writing topics/tasks for C1-level (advanced) students. Basically it’s a list of advanced expressions, grouped by topic, for C1/C2 students and sets of conversation questions on those same topics. Type 1 is the most common and the easiest. And, they can be either formal or informal. to Advanced (C1) It is available in PDF, e-book, and Dec 26, 2023 · Speaking: Technology If you want to get your students speaking this series of discussion sheets is for you! We are going to cover a wide range of interesting topics to get your students speaking freely and with confidence about interesting and current topics. A good response is typically 2-3 sentences - enough to show your English but not so long that you're giving a speech. Each one comes with simple questions to kick-start your discussions, so you don’t need to worry about complex vocabulary or tricky grammar. As well as the sample responses, this page has useful phrases that will help improve your score! Nov 22, 2024 · Practice and boost your English skills with 100+ phrasal verb conversation questions! top of page. This list and its contents have taken several years to assemble and is ever expanding. 99 – Purchase Checkout Added to basket You might also be interested in these resources: Read short conversations and answer carefully the questions. doc / . Table of Contents. Grammar Meets Conver. Useful Lesson Index Exam Tip: Part 1 - Interview. The following additional classroom activities for speaking are informed by the Trinity Lancaster Corpus research project. Please have a short conversation using the Topic and Opinion Questions. 2493 uses. 50 – Purchase Checkout Added to basket. These conversation, speaking tests includes questions that measure different aspects of your conversation skills. Helpful tips and ideas for the classroom. • use an online dictionary to increase the range and accuracy of your vocabulary. ( video) do you talk to strangers? they’ ve been arranged in three categories – beginner, intermediate, and advanced – depending on the difficulty level of the topic. Each question can lead to interesting group discussions, allowing participants to practice complex language structures and deepen their understanding of these thought-provoking themes. Jul 16, 2021 · Curso de Conversación para el nivel C1_ Aprender Español como Lengua Extranjera. If you don’t see your topic let me know what I am missing and I’ll These conversation questions are a great kick start for A1, A2, B1 level English learners. The topics include businesses, negotiations, job interviews, working abroad, crises, leaders, business presentations, meetings, termination, managers, small business, work appraisals, retirement, work experience, overtime, business trips, competition, and Feb 15, 2023 · In this document you will find 40 conversation starters to help prepare students for Trinity College London’s ISE III exam €0. C1 Level Questions Critically evaluate the psychological mechanisms behind why people may find comfort in astrology. 203 C1 conversation questions English ESL worksheets pdf & doc A selection of English ESL conversation questions c1 printables. Remember, it’s a 2 minute conversation task, not 2 minutes to answer 1 question. Click here to get a copy. 2 DIALOGUE TYPES Generally speaking, the EOI dialogue speaking exam questions can be divided into 3 different types. These are designed to help the students relax and start speaking in English. Download the handouts below: where-do-you-stand-discussion-topicsDownload advanced-discussion-phrasesDownload The advanced discussion phrases handout is a truncated version of my C2 speaking phrase sheet, other phrase sheets could be used for lower levels. 134 CONVERSATION QUESTIONS C1 English ESL worksheets pdf & doc Speaking Questions C1 - Free download as PDF File (. odt), PDF File (. What had HAPPENED/BEEN HAPPENING before? - Wheel of Discussion Topics C1-C2 - C1 Debate topics - PHRASAL VERBS - C1 - Health discussion topics Conversation Hi guys, I know that for the English IELTS there is a booklet with all the potential speaking topics but does anyone know where I can access a similar thing for the German Goethe Institute C1 speaking exam? A Social Training Lab Report 12 "Almost Magic" Topics That Keep a Conversation Going- and Spark Attraction in the Women 54 8 163KB Read more English Conversation Topics russia-ukraines-turbulent-history-explained-c1-adv-conversation-topics-dialogs-information-gap-activi_141551 - Free download as Word Doc (. Download all questions as PDF. Chaque fiche de conversation inclut : Un document déclencheur (texte, audio ou vidéo) assez court sur un thème d’actualité Des propositions de questions pour animer l’atelier de conversation Une liste de vocabulaire qui inclut des mots relatifs au thème traité. 6 / 5 (4405 votes) Downloads: 43578 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD . Jul 9, 2024 · C1 conversation topics pdf Rating: 4. These questions prov. The lesson includes a video where Matthew McConaughey explains his ideas about acting, such as preparation, mindset, and being genuine. The questions cover a range of topics and verb tenses, including present and past experiences, current and past jobs and projects, daily routines, weekends, relationships, living situations, education, friends, vacations, and goals for the next 5 years. You can use them to practice writing English essays or to simplyy prepare for the Cambridge exam These conversation questions for C1 level are great ice-breakers for students to get to know their classmates at the start of term. Technology How do you know we aren’t living in a simulation ? How will AI take over the world? What needs to happen for AI to replace humanity as the dominant intelligence on the planet? C1 EOI GUIA DIALOGO 2020 ©Janette O´Carroll Inglés Málaga www. Dec 15, 2017 · Beginner-level conversation and speech topics. C1 Level Questions Critique the role of international sports organizations in governing sports ethics. Then move onto the next category, rinse and repeat. Conversation Workshe. This document provides 18 potential discussion topics for business English conversations, along with suggested questions for each topic. Discuss the psychological resilience required by athletes in high-stakes competitions. Advanced (C1) 7,066 Advanced (C1) English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Debates topics are also a great way to add some variety to your classes. Vocabulary handouts for each of the conversation areas. How do you most enjoy spending your free time? These short animations feature grammar points in simple conversation. Log Discussion starters, speaking cards. Type 3 is the least common and the most difficult. Responses would require Example writing questions and sample, marked answers. Dec 28, 2022 · Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Gern kannst du mich über weitere Konversationsthemen informieren. Discover engaging ESL discussion questions on leisure for all levels, from A2 to C2. Topic - Christmas, traditions, taboo topics, gifts. The idea being that they can drop them into their writings or use them in the speaking exam in order to score more points. May 18, 2022 · Then hand out the conversation questions and have students discuss them in groups of 3. Clear up doubts about the highlighted vocabulary. Ideal for stimulating conversations and critical thinking. Conversation Strategy Practice Please look at the Topics below. This guide will help you plan and respond to everyday formal and informal written and spoken interactional situations, for example: dialogues, role play, conversations and meetings. Each chapter begins with easier questions and moves on to questions that are more abstract. 1. Should cell phones be banned in classrooms? 2. Why did the girl often stay alone in the house with only her dog? In B1, B2 & C1 Conversation Topics, you will find: •25 interesting and relevant themes and topics written especially to encourage conversation. It's difficult to break through to a C1 level when all conversations sound the same, asking about basic information which is always the case for me when I try to practice with people. Get the PDF… Donate a coffee. Each page also has a free printable PDF of conversation questions along with some ideas to supplement the discussion with things like idioms. - Taboo Conversation Topics PDF A Social Training Lab Report Attraction Magnets 12 "Almost Magic" Topics That Keep a Conversation Going- and Spark Attr 0 0 967KB Read more Feb 15, 2023 · A list of all the conversation questions for ISE I €2. Ces fiches de conversation s'adressent aux niveaux A2 à C1. Should laptops be allowed in classrooms? 3. We have a teacher’s copy (including teacher’s notes, a pronunciation guide and an answer key) and a student version which you can email to your Dec 22, 2024 · From hobbies to global issues, these topics include conversation prompts for six CEFR proficiency levels: A1 (Beginner), A2 (Elementary), B1 (Intermediate), B2 (Upper-Intermediate), C1 (Advanced), and C2 (Proficient). They can also be used at any time to develop speaking skills. . However, some days we come up empty handed, maybe our learners are tired or reluctant to publicly speak up. Oct 20, 2021 · Conversation Questions Conditionals: First, Second, Third Conditional First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional Download here>>>>>Conditionals Speaking Activity Other speaking activities: ESL Speaking Activity: Business English Role Plays No-prep Speaking Activity: Warmer And Filler For ESL Classes 32 Inspirational And Creative Job Talk about it (C1) - BE Indirect questions - Controversial Topics - Tell me one, two, three things - speaking activity - Travelling - questions. C1 Conversation Topics Ebook Vol. Learning English at C1 (advanced) level? Improve your English grammar skills with our easy grammar lessons! Select Test. Take ESL Conversation Topics To The Next Level. Pick the right Opinion Questions from above and ask your partner some questions. Example reading texts for ISE Reading and Writing modules. The document lists 36 questions that could be asked in the Speaking Part 1 section of the IELTS exam. Enjoy and do not forget to smile! :) Here you will find sample questions with model answers for Cambridge English Advanced (CAE, C1) Speaking Part 1. The document is a collection of German conversation topics with English translations to improve spoken German skills. All-time. Mar 11, 2015 · 2Ts in a Pod advanced advanced vocabulary B1 B2 B2+ barcelona C1 C2 CAE CAE writing part 2 Cambridge C1 Advanced Cambridge C2 Proficiency Cambridge exams Christmas collocations conversation conversation activities adults conversations topics for teenagers conversation topics CPE CPE Writing Part 2 debate debate topics discussion education Jun 8, 2021 · Thanks to my colleague Natascha Wallace for this idea. Newspapers today. It includes over 50 topics ranging from time travel and history to rebellion, ego, and social norms. Profe2 Download questions as PDF. Conversation Corner . com . C1 Speaking Topics November 2019 125. c1- 06 while, although, though. To prepare, consider engaging in regular English conversations, either with native speakers or language exchange partners. It is very useful for a teacher to have it printed and you can also print it and hand it out to your students so every time you want to have some ready-made questions on the table you do not need spend your time searching. txt) or read online for free. 500+ topics that spark critical thinking and real conversations. (Download) 1. Download a pdf version of 120 ISE I conversation questions: Nov 6, 2020 · This is a conversation lesson plan designed with higher level adults in mind (C1/C2). Speaking practice. Here you can find all C1 advanced lesson plans based on various authentic video materials and covering topics from Tech through Business to Art. 99 – Purchase Checkout Added to basket You might also be interested in these resources: ESL students and teachers can access free, grammar-focesed, English conversations for learners at the CEFR B2 level. This document contains a list of 45 speaking questions that could be asked in an interview or conversation setting. ESB C1 Sample 4 4 Part 2 – Interactive Discussion Candidates A and B (and C) discuss a topic based on two prompts provided by the interlocutor. PhilipR. Are single-sex schools more effective than co-ed schools? The Collaborative Task is designed to force Trinity ISE III exam candidates to show that they can maintain and control a conversation while using C1 level functional language. doc), PDF File (. Feb 15, 2023 · In this download you will find conversation starters to help prepare students for Trinity College London’s ISE III exam. TIME PERIOD. CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 1 PDF – Advanced (download) CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 2 PDF – Advanced (download) CONVERSATION PRACTICE TEST 3 PDF – Advanced (download) Dec 3, 2024 · 2Ts in a Pod advanced advanced vocabulary B1 B2 B2+ barcelona C1 C2 CAE CAE writing part 2 Cambridge C1 Advanced Cambridge C2 Proficiency Cambridge exams Christmas collocations conversation conversation activities adults conversations topics for teenagers conversation topics CPE CPE Writing Part 2 debate debate topics discussion education Browse Topics: Grammar Topics 47 Tourism c1 English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Try this with a friend or classmate and exchange feedback and ideas to enrich your depth of knowledge. When you answer ISE I conversation questions, give an extended, interesting answer and then ask the examiner what they think. Full list of Topics here . It could also be adapted for lower levels. They exchange ideas and opinions and sustain a discussion. Best Conversation Topics Talking about life B2-C1 - Questions about life - Debate (B2/C1) - 65 Business English Conversation Questions - Speaking with phrasal verbs Conversation Topics Training Lab. The questions cover a range of topics including empathy, materialism, leisure activities, news, travel, food, learning, role models, regrets, celebrations, hobbies, criticism and more. Dec 3, 2024 · Comprehension Questions. Other topic / mixed topics. Grammar-based ´Getti Each chapter focuses on a promising conversation topic. Our ESL advanced lesson plans for adults cover grammar and vocabulary units that fit the C1 students’ knowledge and practical needs. Additionally, review the exam structure and practice with sample questions. • review useful language for speculating and comparing. Learning from prior Trinity speaking assessment results, these activities focus on practising aspects of speaking that will help students improve their communication skills in all situations. 602 C1 level English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. Conversation Questions C1 - Free download as Word Doc (. Oxset C1 - Topics June 2022 0. Browse our selection of advanced ESL speaking topics for students with a C1 or C2 level of English who want to practice their conversation skills. Do people still read newspapers ? When was the last time you bought a newspaper ? On what occasions do the sales of newspapers increase? (elections, catastrophes, sports events, ) Which version of the news do you prefer to read: paper/computer/mobile phone? This document provides links to resources for conversation topics in English. ♦Note: It's a good idea to pre-teach essential vocabulary before beginning a discussion. Cost Location Vegetarian options Hygiene Car parking Atmosphere Good food Friendly service A selection of English ESL c1 conversation questions printables. this section of the test evaluates your ability to employ social and interactional language. Each lesson has an animated video, script, quiz and grammar support. Check through the answers and elicit why the wrong topics are wrong – they are too complex and knowledge-based, and they are not part of usual social interaction. To practise, we’ve designed 20 ISE III Collaborative Task prompts on a range of topics which are designated by Trinity for this level. Most popular. Students are often asked why they are learning business English, and being able to discuss this in a clear and informative way will do wonders for their confidence. Students listen again with the transcript to clear up doubts. Questions are provided. The document contains a collection of potential conversation questions about various topics including prejudices, advertising, age, youth, and old age. b1 ( intermediate) Additional speaking activities. you must use between 3 and 6 words, you must not change the word given. lqmrhq zdvfz hup tenhw woxzxi qndul nqlrp njrfv qfhqpl ino lkyw lqkrt osegrg dvadr wsvi